Accurate Ebay Fees in Woocommerce Orders
At the moment the Ebay final value fees shown in the Woocommerce order fees are lower than that shown in Ebay itself. To properly calculate profit per order in the accounting tools I've built for my own store I need the fees to be completely accurate. Ideally the Woocommerce order should list the Ebay final […]
Location-based Inventory (multi-location product)
You can use multiple shipping locations for the products listed. If you have the same product in different warehouses this feature will let you set up the shipping locations and inventory levels for the listings, so eBay will show the buyer shorter and more accurate delivery estimates, based on their zip code.
Ability to search through profiles (or preferably, group profiles)
Please could you add a search box for the profiles? We have over 4-5 ebay accounts, and each account needs its own profile because each shop category is different. It's a real headache! Or at least if we could group profiles by type, and just select the parent group and it would auto-select all the […]
Woo notification for neary expired/expired MWS token / eBay token
Happens once a year, hence easy to miss – token expiration. There should be reminder shown in Woo admin dashboard to renew the token before it expires and warning if it's already expired.
Disable Attributes per ebay account
Currently there is the feature where you can disable Attributes and variation under global settings which stops unwanted attributes to get listed on the eBay listings. The issue is, this feature doesn't allow the flexibility to choose particular attributes for perticular eBay account if you are using more than one eBay account on your woocommerce […]
WooCommerce Amazon Shipment Notifications
Ideally: summarised info for Unshipped, Pending, Ship by today and Late Shipment Minimal: warning when Late Shipment order number is larger than 0.
Importing of Amazon Categories with Listings
I would like to see the importing of Amazon categories with Amazon listings and have them added to Woocommerce categories and assigned to products. This is a pretty big thing to be missing from WP-Lister in my estimation. Please vote up this request. =D
Linking Shipping Classes To Profiles
A way to link up Amazon lister to shipping classes in order to designate products to certain profiles.
track customer order refund
It would be nice to have orders updated after refund on customers returns
Handling Time for Amazon in Profiles
If one has many Amazon profiles it's time consuming to edit/change handling times for all products. Maybe add a General option for that or per product so it can be edited in a product bulk editor