2.7.0-beta3 - 2024-08-23
- Fix: When bulk updating orders, download line items if they do not exist
- Fix: Check getOrderItems response to prevent getting a fatal error
- Fix: Error during implode() call
- Fix: Typo in Up Price setting
- Fix: Fatal error when throwing an Exception
2.7.0-beta2 - 2024-08-06
- Fix: Background Inventory Check frequency setting not getting used properly
- Fix: GetOrders parameters order fix
- Fix: Namespace errors preventing orders from being imported
- Tweak: Throttling handling improvement
2.7.0-beta1 - 2024-07-23
- New: Ability to match products using EAN
- Fix: Warnings when checking if product update came from WP All Import
- Fix: Undefined property stdClass::$success warning
- Fix: Load the correct type from the FeedType class
- Fix: Allow 0 value from profile item specifics
- Fix: Call to getAttributes() on null
- Fix: Fatal error when calling getCompetitivePricing
- Fix: HPOS compatibility for submitting FBA orders automatically
- Dev: New action wpla_out_of_sync_products_found
- Dev: Update libraries and prefixed classes
- Dev: Deprecated code warnings
- Dev: Deprecated utf8_decode()
2.6.17 - 2024-05-30
- Fix: More compatibility issue with WC_Order::get_stock_reduced()
- Fix: Order fulfillment feed status update to prevent missed order updates
- Dev: Security fix
2.6.16 - 2024-05-23
- Fix: Feeds stuck in the Pending status
2.6.15 - 2024-05-23
- Fix: Deprecated code warnings
- Fix: Update pending feeds to add affected products after a WC Import run
- Fix: Backwards compatibility with WC_Order::get_data_store()->get_stock_reduced()
- Fix: Mark feeds as processing to prevent them from being updated during submission
- Fix: Error in the WPLA_InventoryCheck when an invalid data type is passed to round()
2.6.14 - 2024-05-01
- New: Added support for the GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING report
- Fix: Warning trying to decode item details array
- Fix: Error when the weight value from WooCommerce is not an int or float
- Dev: View to list the fulfillment order items table
- Dev: New filter wpla_listing_get_item_quantity
2.6.13 - 2024-04-17
- Fix: Error in the Feeds page when trying to read from an invalid feed
- Fix: Warnings trying to access listing data
- Fix: Deprecated str_replace() warning in the FeedDataBuilder class
- Fix: Use local WC_Customer class object when getting tax rates
- Fix: Logs not clearing automatically
- Tweak: Rearranged the settings page so FBA Stock Sync is above the Fallback to Seller Fulfilled setting
- Dev: Warning when installing templates without a template_name element
- Dev: Cleared more deprecated warnings
2.6.12 - 2024-03-22
2.6.11 - 2024-02-29
2.6.10 - 2024-02-13
2.6.9 - 2024-01-25
2.6.8 – 2024-01-17
- Hotfix - Feed value for standard_price and sale_price not getting set properly
2.6.7 – 2024-01-16
- New: Added the ability to parse the newer listing templates from Amazon
- Fix: Javascript issue preventing the Change Profile bulk action tool from working
- Fix: Convert price value to use a decimal point character if coming from a profile field attribute
2.6.6 – 2024-01-10
- New: Added new beta support for these marketplaces: Belgium, Egypt, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, Polan
- Fix: Added the missing MY_VOEC reseller category
- Fix: List on Amazon and Change Profile window not working
- Dev: Display local time in the log files
2.6.5 – 2024-01-02
- Fix: List on Amazon not working when WC Block Editor is enabled
- Fix: Link to download personalization archive not showing up
- Fix: Lowest offer details window not showing Lowest Offer Data
- Dev: The wpla_mcf_enabled_order_statuses filter must have the same values in both places where it is used
- Dev: Log files not getting created
- Dev: Display local time in the order details window
2.6.4 – 2023-12-06
- Tweak: Remove the deduction of the promotional discount from the subtotal to display discount on the edit order page
- Fix: Invalid argument passed to wpla_delayed_amazon_order_completion
- Fix: Error accessing get_meta() on null
- Fix: Uninitialized cart object when accessing from the REST API
- Fix: Run checks on the GetOrders response to prevent fatal errors
- Fix: Add the non-prefixed order status when checking for an order's ability to be submitted to FBA
2.6.3 – 2023-11-16
- Tweak: Removed the Supported Marketplace text for B2B Price support
- Fix: Show Problems button in the Feeds page not working
- Fix: Unclosed tag causing display issues in the product pages
- Fix: Do not override variation images with custom gallery images
- Fix: Missing plugin update notification on some sites
- Fix: License form disabled with empty license details
- Dev: New filter: wpla_mark_item_as_modified_data
- Dev: New filter: wpla_delayed_amazon_order_completion
2.6.2 – 2023-10-19
- Fix: Orders table not showing WPLA columns and meta boxes
2.6.1 – 2023-10-18
- New: Added views for Locked and Unlocked listings
- Fix: Unable to parse FBA Manage Inventory reports due to the missing seller-sku column
- Fix: Make sure the out-of-stock threshold is of int data type
- Fix: Gather shipment rates from all active accounts
- Fix: Store the date_paid and ship_dates using the local time
- Fix: Skip variables (parents) when looking for listings with missing ASINs
- Fix: Missing dompdf autoloader
- Dev: Rotate logs on a daily basis
- Dev: Added back the AWS data directory
2.6.0 – 2023-09-29
- New: Support for WooCommerce's High Performance Order Storage feature
- New: Enhanced searching performance in the Listings table
- New: Added the ability to lock listings to only update their stock quantity and price (Beta)
- New: Added the option of using a dedicated DB table when creating fulfillment feeds (Beta)
- Tweak: Split products list into several rows when running inventory checks
- Fix: Generating empty order fulfillment feeds
- Fix: Warnings in the Feeds and Edit Product pages
- Fix: Error when the filter woocommerce_get_product_from_item is triggered
- Fix: Prevent query string from being URL-decoded
- Fix: Variables are left without ASINs after they are published to Amazon
- Fix: Matching using SKU does not return any results
- Fix: Using the Parent option for the Variation Title setting should also pull the Listing Title when available
- Fix: Added support for the item-condition column for InventoryLoader feeds
- Fix: Size mapping case sensitivity issue
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_order_builder_update_skip_statuses
- Dev: Added the action wpla_order_builder_before_create_order
- Dev: Added the action wpla_item_updated_from_report
- Dev: Update the Dompdf library to address a vulnerability
- Dev: Added the ability to limit the results when generating pending feeds to prevent timeouts
- Dev: Removed the /data directory from the AWS library
2.5.5 – 2023-07-10
- New: Added the shipping methods ExpeditedGlobalParcel and ExpeditedLocalParcel to the GLS carrier
- New: Added the shipping carrier DX Freight
- Tweak: Increase the timeout value when trying to activate the plugin license
- Fix: Personalization data from orders not getting recorded
- Fix: Product-level _amazon_price value must have priority over profile value
- Fix: Added the missing Reseller Category value JE_VOEC
- Dev: Handled errors in the Accounts page
- Dev: Removed MWS fields from the Accounts page
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_force_amazon_collected_taxes
2.5.4 – 2023-05-17
- New: Added the option of saving the Amazon Order ID as both a meta value and an order note
- Tweak: Readability of the status text for tools that run in batches (Step X / Y items processed)
- Dev: Handle errors from the getReports call
- Fixed: Warnings from the WPLA_InventoryCheck class
- Fixed: Warnings in the Listings page
- Fixed: Added a Primary Key to the amazon_shipping table
- Fixed: Empty quantity value in the Repricing table
- Fixed: Importer attempting to create variable products from simple listings
2.5.3 – 2023-04-27
- New: Added the ability to search the Stocks Logs using the Amazon Product ID
- New: Added a setting to skip adding line item SKUs to created WooCommerce orders
- Tweak: Enhanced the search results for the Listings and Repricing tables
- Tweak: Show the total stocks and FBA stocks in the Repricing table
- Fixed: Some custom feed templates not showing dropdown options for valid values
- Fixed: Undefined variable [wpl_repricing_pricing_options] error in WP-Lister for Amazon Lite
- Fixed: Revert stocks of cancelled orders from the Unshipped order status
- Dev: New filter added: wpla_orderbuilder_cleanup_session
- Dev: Better error handling when calling getCatalogItem()
- Dev: Removed the file gen_stub.php from the AWS library (false-positive malware report)
2.5.2 – 2023-03-09
- Tweak: Use basedir in storing log files
- Fixed: Amazon customer data not getting cleared from session after importing orders
- Fixed: Use the correct UserAgent in the API calls
- Fixed: Added the missing KZ_VOEC property
- Fixed: Repricer not setting to the max possible price
2.5.1 – 2023-02-06
- New: Longer data retention options for Amazon orders
- New: Import the listing description from the Amazon catalog
- New: Added a setting to periodically pull Order Reports to be able to import Business Tax IDs for business orders
- Tweak: Enhanced the frontend checkout by sending the feed updates to a background task
- Tweak: Lowered the number of ASINs when querying for price updates to prevent getting throttled
- Tweak: WP capability check - changed edit_others_pages to edit_others_shop_orders and edit_orders_products
- Tweak: When generating a new feed, exclude all invalid listings (missing SKUs, etc) so they do not get included in the CSV file
- Tweak: Update price check date on ASINs with error to prevent from staying at the front of the queue
- Fixed: $SubmittedDate undefined notice
- Fixed: Added the missing SG_VOEC property
- Fixed: Error when trying to count attributes from an imported listing
- Fixed: Handle throttled responses for GetOrderAddress and GetOrderBuyInfo calls
- Fixed: Warning "foreach() argument must be of type array" when importing some orders
- Fixed: Fatal error when the parent ASIN could not be loaded
- Fixed: Dompdf library clash when the Invoice Upload setting is enabled
- Dev: Log errors from getCompetitivePricing
2.5 – 2023-01-02
- New: Now you can request and download the Pending Order Report from within WP-Lister
- Tweak: Delay consecutive calls to the getCompetitivePricing API to avoid triggering the rate limit
- Fixed: WP-Lister will now get notified of changes made via the Admin Columns Pro plugin
- Fixed: PHP Error: Call to undefined method getFeedId()
- Fixed: Invoice upload feed should always be sent as UTF-8
- Fixed: Library clash for FontLib\Autoloader and Dompdf\Autoloader
- Dev: Added a custom namespace to the Dompdf library to prevent collisions
- Dev: More verbose debug log allows for more precise bug squashing when processing shipping fees
- Dev: Allow plugins to control whether feed content should be utf8_decode'd using the new wpla_utf8_decode_feed_content filter
- Dev: Fully compatible with WooCommerce 7.2
2.4.4 – 2022-12-08
- Security: Fixed a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability reported by Animesh Gaurav
- Tweak: Make the list of prepared listing issues expandable to save screen space
- Fixed: Invoice uploaded to amazon could show as blank PDF due to invalid characters
- Fixed: Issue where "There are no shipping options available" was shown incorrectly
- Fixed: Shipping method ID not being accessed correctly
- Fixed: Invalid argument for foreach in ListingsModel.php
- Fixed: Call to undefined method getFeedId() in AmazonFeed.php
- Fixed: Check for an existing Dompdf class before including the autoloader (3rd party plugin compatibility)
- Dev: Force download of log files instead of directly linking to them
2.4.3 – 2022-11-24
- Tweak: Hide parent container items when filtering listings to only show items without ASINs
- Fixed: Repricing did not reset to max price if seller has buy box and no competition
- Fixed: Improved downloading gallery thumbnails when importing items from Amazon
- Dev: Added definition to be able to access the Contributors property when fetching catalog items
- Dev: Added parameter 'product_node' to the wpla_filter_imported_product_data filter
2.4.2 – 2022-11-08
- Tweak: Removed old report types which are no longer supported by Amazon's new SP-API
- Tweak: Regularly clean the amazon_jobs table
- Fixed: Uploading Invoices to the SP-API
- Fixed: Import Book attributes from the API
- Fixed: Use the ReportDocument::getCompressionAlgorithm() method to determine if the report body needs to be decoded
- Fixed: Call to a member function get_regular_price() on bool when passed an invalid/nonexistent product
- Fixed: Attempt to read property "account_id" on array
- Fixed: Error when trying to access null as object
- Fixed: Call to function getAttributes() on bool
- Fixed: GuzzleHttp conflict with other plugins
- Dev: Added the method getEligibleShipmentServices()
2.4.1 – 2022-10-24
- New: Importing listings is now using the Catalog API (SP-API)
- Tweak: Removed the option to import using the old Listings API
- Fixed: Various minor issues related to the new SP-API
- Fixed: Database error over large attribute sets
2.4.0 beta – 2022-10-18
- New: Use the new SP-API for feeds and catalog requests, including repricing and importing tasks
2.3.0 – 2022-10-13
- New: Use the new Catalog API to pull images and bullet points when importing listings
- New: Added shipping methods for the Australia Post-ArticleID carrier
- Tweak: Improved performance in SQL query when building large feeds
- Tweak: Display "Sync sales is disabled" in the order history log for products where syncing has been disabled
- Fixed: Removed redundant code causing a "Undefined variable awsToken" notice
- Fixed: Added the missing constant AU_VOEC in the SP-API library
- Fixed: Undefined offset warnings when saving variable products
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_run_plugin_update_check to override the frequency of update checks from the license server
- Dev: Added filter wpla_attribute_shortcode_value
2.2.9 – 2022-09-17
- New: Added the CTTExpress shipping provider
- Tweak: Improved Product Bundles support: Update bundle quantity when child components are updated
- Fixed: Issue where requesting the FBA Shipment report would fail
- Fixed: Plugin conflict with Advanced Shipping Tracking Pro
- Fixed: Avoid double-encoding data from the Merchant Listings report
- Fixed: Invalid value 'NZ_VOEC' for 'deemed_reseller_category' error
- Fixed: Use WC_Product_Bundle::get_bundle_stock_quantity() to get stock quantity of bundled products
- Dev: Added filter wpla_shipment_tracking_instance
2.2.8 – 2022-08-30
- Fixed: Record the correct Gift Wrap amount from Amazon
- Fixed: Undefined function get_stock_managed_by_id() (since 2.2.7)
- Fixed: Undefined variable wpl_is_reg_brand
- Fixed: Warnings on the Advanced Settings page
2.2.7 – 2022-08-26
- Tweak: Exclude product meta when cloning products
- Fixed: Issue whre scheduled reports not getting requested
- Fixed: Amazon Business flag was not shown on the Orders page
- Fixed: Improved support for variations with parent-level stock management (from Yatin @ multidots)
2.2.6 – 2022-08-09
- Fixed: Download customized order item data
- Fixed: Reports not being downloaded and displayed properly
- Fixed: Create Customers action failing due to missing order email address
- Fixed: Skip automatically generating feeds when running imports
- Fixed: Support for Price Based on Country plugin
- Fixed: Automatically process supported reports
- Fixed: Still show the search form when trying to match products and the initial search returned no results
- Dev: Removed unnecessary use of GuzzleHttp\json_encode()
2.2.5 – 2022-08-02
- Fixed: Missing buyer details from orders
- Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7.4 restored
- Fixed: Improved compatibility with Amazon's new SP-API
- Fixed: Matching a WooCommerce product to Amazon would return no results
- Tweak: Do not fetch address and buyer info on pending and cancelled orders
- Tweak: Improved handling of throttling when importing orders and order addresses
- Dev: Result from GetOrders call was too large to be stored in log
2.2.4 – 2022-08-01
- New: WP-Lister now uses Amazon's new SP-API to fetch orders and request reports
- Tweak: Updated the Accounts pages to allow users to login and fetch token from existing accounts
- Fixed: Fix French character encoding when importing from Amazon
- Fixed: Feed Error Emails still sending despite the setting being off
- Fixed: Include the SKU and error message in the feed submission error email
- Fixed: Prevent fatal errors if the data being accessed was not provided by Amazon
- Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.7
- Dev: Added the ability to toggle calls between sandbox and production APIs
- Dev: Added wpla_update_feeds action to force WPLA to generate feeds for changed listings
2.2.3 – 2022-07-11
- New: Added option to send an email to site admin in case of any feed submission error
- Tweak: Apply the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter every time the woocommerce_prices_include_tax option is pulled
- Fixed: Check All button on the Import page was not working
- Fixed: Variation main image fallback must first be set prior to attempting to load from the product gallery
- Fixed: Undefined array key "leadtime-to-ship" warning
- Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: round(): Argument #1 must be of type int|float, string given
- Fixed: Warning Undefined index: listing_title
- Dev: Added filter wpla_override_variation_attribute_with_profile to allow WPLA to use variation attribute value from the profile
- Dev: Use WC_Product methods to get and set product price in Woo_ProductWrapper.php
- Dev: Lock table for reading when using the wpla_lock_feeds_table filter
2.2.2 – 2022-05-26
- Tweak: Adjusted the shipping methods for the GLS courier
- Tweak: Store the Amazon account title with each order when creating orders in WooCommerce
- Tweak: Increased the timeout limit when fetching converted template from conversion server
- Fixed: Error message "Trying to access offset of null in WPLA_AjaxHandler.php"
- Fixed: Fallback to accessing post data from $_REQUEST for sites that cannot read from php://input
- Fixed: Possible issue processing special characters (introduced in 2.2.1)
- Dev: Include Amazon account name and Merchant ID in the WC REST API response for GetOrder calls
- Dev: Store the IOSS in the order metadata
- Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.5.1
2.2.1 – 2022-05-09
- New: Added invoice uploading for the WooCommerce Print Invoices plugin by SkyVerge
- Tweak: Convert merchant-shipping-group field value to UTF-8 prior to importing
- Tweak: Handle new AFN quantity fields (afn-fulfillable-quantity-local and afn-fulfillable-quantity-remote)
- Fixed: PDF Invoice missing images and fonts
- Fixed: French characters not displaying correctly
- Fixed: Rare issue where a product's stock level could be set to 0 when updating the product in WooCommerce
- Fixed: Removed shirt_size fields from the parent_var_columns array
- Dev: Added logging for checking FBA autosubmit orders
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_update_woo_stock_skip_status_array
- Dev: Added filter wpla_filter_skip_listing_feed_item to skip certain listings from being added to feeds
2.2.0 – 2022-04-06
- New: Added "Couriers Please" to the list of available shipping providers
- New: Retry failed requests due to temporary network issues automatically (HTTP code 502)
- New: Added more parent variation columns (age_range_description, fabric_type, shirt_size, shirt_size_class, shirt_size_system)
- Tweak: Delay creating orders without order items to circumvent temporary network issues (502 bad gateway)
- Tweak: Check ignore_orders_before against PurchaseDate instead of LastUpdateDate
- Tweak: Convert listing titles to UTF8 before importing
- Fixed: Skip listing parent variables if variations mode is flat
- Fixed: When Background Inventory Check is off, also unschedule the wpla_bg_inventory_check_run jobs
- Fixed: Prevent creating orders without any items
- Fixed: Undefined property stdClass::ShippingTax
- Fixed: Selected value in the Feed Attributes list showing up as Custom Values
- Dev: Added the function wpla_is_json()
- Dev: Added logging to the handle_woocommerce_order_status_update_completed checks
- Dev: Added the filters wpla_import_update_product_price and wpla_import_update_amazon_price
- Dev: Increased cURL timeout limit from 15 to 30 seconds
- Dev: Store the Earliest and Latest Ship Dates in the order postmeta
- Dev: Commented out the code block with ATUM plugin support which now is causing a fatal error
- Dev: Passed post_id parameter is in JSON format when using the REST API. Decode and extract the correct post_id if necessary
- Dev: Check for a valid order_id before adding a history entry that the order was created
- Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.1
2.1.0 – 2022-02-18
- New: Added support for custom templates with multi-marketplace fields
- New: Added AU shipping carriers Australia Post and StarTrack
- Tweak: Skip checking for stock sync issue if the quantity property is empty to avoid checking against FBA listings
- Tweak: Include the time when filtering the stocks log by date
- Fixed: Convert units to a dot decimal character for the length, width and height properties
- Fixed: Check for the ups_shipment_ids index to prevent getting an Undefined Index warning
- Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Products table to make sure product matching works
- Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Import page
- Dev: Added $order to the wpla_shipping_service_id_map and wpla_shipping_service_title_map filters
- Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2
2.0.8 – 2022-01-28
- New: Added DE colors to the color map list and switch to using text input with autocomplete because Amazon now requires localised color names
- Fixed: Improved script loading to make sure plugin scripts are only loaded within WP-Lister pages
- Fixed: Assigning the main_image_url for each variation was using the primary image of the parent product instead
- Dev: Added filter wpla_duplicate_product_excluded_meta to modify or remove the excluded product meta when duplicating WooCommerce products
2.0.7 – 2021-12-30
- New: Added support for dismissible notices, including warnings about outdated PHP versions
- New: Display important announcements like important new features or critical fixes as dismissible notices
- Fixed: Updated support for WooThumb's new way of storing the variation images
2.0.6 – 2021-12-07
- New: Added a setting to skip checking for invalid EAN and UPC
- New: Show warning when a PHP version older than 7.4 is detected
- Tweak: Use SQL transactions when building shipment feeds to prevent overwriting existing shipments
- Fixed: Possible fatal error during feed generation (Uncaught TypeError: number_format(): Argument #1 must be of type float)
- Fixed: Use the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter to fix the shipping total of created orders
- Dev: Added wpla_process_fba_report_row action hook
- Dev: Added wpla_add_attribute_name and wpla_add_attribute_label filter hooks
- Dev: Updated the translation files and the strings.php index
2.0.5 – 2021-11-22
- New: Allow custom values to feed attribute drop downs
- New: Import Proxy setting for those sites whose IP are banned from importing from Amazon
- Fixed: Filter wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax not working properly
- Fixed: Added feed_product_type and country_of_origin to the parent feed columns
- Fixed: Removed the parent columns that according to Amazon should not be submitted in the parent listings
- Fixed: Make sure get_data_rows() always returns an array
- Fixed: Fatal error when parsing personalized data
- Fixed: Parse French Valid Values templates
2.0.4 – 2021-11-02
- Tweak: Record the Tax Registration ID / VAT ID when creating order in WooCommerce
- Fixed: Issue where the FBA shipping option was not available during checkout
- Dev: Set the ATUM Multi-Inventory hooks to the highest priority as suggested by their support staff
- Dev: Added filter wpla_listen_for_sku_changes to disable popup when the change action is triggered by the SKU field
2.0.3 – 2021-10-17
- New: Store the FulfillmentChannel in the order postmeta
- Tweak: Round the imported dimension values down to 2 decimal places
- Fixed: Possible fatal error parsing shipping fee values when generating feeds
- Fixed: Reformat the price value to ensure that it can be parsed properly by PHP
- Fixed: Check for the REQUEST_METHOD key which is not available in a CLI environment
- Fixed: Check for wpla_permissions to prevent warnings. This isn't available in multisite installs
- Dev: Added action hook wpla_buy_box_pricing_updated
- Dev: Added filter hook wpla_update_custom_order_status
2.0.2 – 2021-09-21
- Fixed: Removed invalid parameter in process_ship_from_address() method
- Fixed: Prevent WP-Lister from setting order status back to Processing if it is already marked as Completed
2.0.1 – 2021-09-16
- New: Added a setting to choose whether to match order items using ASIN or SKU
- Tweak: If there is no tracking number found, try pulling it from the tracking_code post meta key
- Fixed: Bulk editing in WooCommerce was not marking listings as Changed
- Fixed: Display the correct submit box actions for variable-product-part products
- Fixed: Decode keyword values into ISO-8859-1 charset to fix feed errors when using umlauts
- Fixed: Warning "Invalid argument supplied in foreach" when saving custom size map settings
- Fixed: Issue where ship-from address was not getting pulled correctly
- Fixed: Issue where the disable_sale_price setting was ignored in some cases
- Fixed: Issue whee feeds could fail due to strtolower conversion (since 2.0)
- Dev: Added the filter hook wpla_find_matching_tracking_provider
- Dev: Cleaned up the call_complete_order() method and added the wpla_processed_third_party_tracking action
2.0 – 2021-08-28
- New: Create separate size maps for different size fields using the new "Custom Size Mapping" option
- New: Added a "Default Ship From Address" option on the Advanced Settings page
- New: Added support for the Variable Product Part product type
- New: Variable Product Part support for ATUM Product Levels plugin
- New: Shipping tracking support for YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking plugin
- New: Added the Hermes UK shipping provider
- New: Store the IOSS number as order line item meta when creating orders in WooCommerce
- Tweak: Changed the size map select boxes into autocomplete input boxes to allow custom values to be used
- Tweak: Size column mapping: attribute shortcodes are executed first and all custom sizes are transformed to lowercase
- Fixed: FBA tracking was not getting processed if background inventory checking was enabled
- Fixed: Sync product bundle products after increasing and decreasing stocks (WooCommerce Product Bundles)
- Fixed: Fixed the shipped date and carrier-code for DHL (YITH Order Tracking)
- Fixed: Disable transactional emails (WooCommerce Germanized)
- Fixed: Added missing description for the Gift Wrap Options setting
- Fixed: Make sure to leave carrier-name field empty if carrier-code is not "Other"
- Fixed: Perform some additional checks to prevent rare issues with 3rd party plugins
- Fixed: Warning "Required parameter follows optional parameter" on PHP8
- Fixed: Possible fatal error when product price returned is not a number
- Fixed: Newly matched variations were not inheriting the parent's profile
- Fixed: MSRP in the Repricer was not displaying the correct price
- Dev: Added filter wpla_shipping_total
- Dev: Added parameter to the wpla_order_builder_line_item filter
- Dev: Database upgrade to version 53 - added indices to feeds and orders tables
1.9.7 – 2021-06-07
- New: Added a search box in the List on Amazon popup to filter profiles
- New: Added an excluded markets setting for the Size Map feature
- New: Setting option to assign a default profile for all matched listings
- New: Setting option to complete WooCommerce orders after successful FBA submission
- Tweak: Added more parent variation columns (recommended_browse_nodes, material_composition, color_map, lifestyle1)
- Fixed: Exclude WP-Lister meta when duplicating products
- Fixed: Ship Method and Ship From values not getting displayed in the Order Metabox
- Fixed: Product Bundles: Check for errors when adding bundle to order
- Fixed: Profiles per page not being saved
- Fixed: Missing screen option label
- Fixed: Listings from inactive accounts showing up in the getStatusSummary method
- Fixed: Uncaught exception when cancelling feed submission
- Fixed: Warnings from required parameters preceded by an optional parameter
- Fixed: Move the removeASINFromProducts() call to before trashing the listings
- Fixed: Load the child listings when removing listings from Amazon using a parent product
- Dev: Added the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax
1.9.6 – 2021-04-27
- New: Set a custom WooCommerce order status for cancelled Amazon orders
- Fixed: Add product bundle information when creating WooCommerce orders
- Fixed: Possible issue switching profiles for a product from the edit product page
- Dev: Added filter wpla_fallback_stock_quantity
1.9.5 – 2021-04-14
- New: Added the Default Shipping Method setting option to set the default shipping provider
- New: Added a configure link on the new Ship From field to make it easier to manage Ship From addresses
- Tweak: Updated the list of shipping carrier codes
- Tweak: Skip feed generation when importing/updating listings using WP All-Import
- Tweak: Adjusted the ValidValues parser to handle the new format from Amazon
- Fixed: Show the stock log and feed submitted date in local time
- Fixed: Only combine the keywords if keyword_fields_type is set to separate
- Fixed: Fetch the bullets into an array so they could be stored separately in _amazon_bullet_pointN postmeta fields
- Dev: Added filters wpla_fetch_overwrite_description and wpla_fetch_overwrite_bullets
1.9.4 – 2021-03-25
- New: Allow the individual profile switching of products linked to multiple listings
- New: Added the option of pulling specific order numbers from Amazon in the Orders page
- New: Added more size options in the size map options to include apparel_size values
- New: Added a warning for partially published variable listings
- New: Added date range filter to the Stocks Log page
- Tweak: Improved quantity calculation in the Listings table
- Fixed: Rare issue where calling set_include_path() multiple times could cause timeout and memory errors
- Fixed: Call to a member function get_customer_id() on null in WooCommerce Payments plugin
- Fixed: Ensure that the second parameter in the wpla_get_stock filter is an integer
- Fixed: Use wc_get_product() instead of get_product()
- Dev: Switched all jQuery .success() calls to .done()
- Dev: Added filter wpla_after_processing_inventory_report
1.9.3 – 2021-03-03
- New: Added support for additional image fields in Handmade feed templates
- New: Added a setting to turn off gift line item processing on new orders
- New: Use the stock status (in stock/out of stock) to list products which have stock management disabled
- New: Record the earliest and latest ship dates from Amazon into the order notes
- New: Show a link to the Amazon order page on the WooCommerce order details page
- Tweak: Updated the list of supported plugins for uploading invoices to Amazon
- Tweak: WP-All Import support: feeds are not updated during import to improve performance
- Fixed: Issue extracting error messages from feeds
- Fixed: Notification boxes layout
1.9.2 – 2021-02-07
- New: Ship From field in the order tracking meta box
- New: Ship From addresses can now be stored on the Advanced Settings page
- Dev: Added the wpla_force_create_fba_orders filter
1.9.1 – 2021-02-03
- New: Added the Shipping Method field in the order shipment details metabox
- New: Added a setting to apply profile pricing options to the repricer
- Tweak: Check for a valid profile before processing the profile price
- Fixed: Display processed profile price when displaying the variations in the Listings table
- Fixed: Ignore stock updates from the WPC Product Bundles plugin since it causes as infinite loop
- Fixed: Use the WC_Order_Item_Product::get_product() if available
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_enable_rest_api_listener to turn off feed generation triggered by REST updates
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_shipping_instance_id to set the instance_id
1.9 – 2021-01-06
- New: Added support for the WooCommerce UPS Shipping plugin by PluginHive
- New: Allow to set a custom image URL via the post meta key 'amazon_image_url'
- New: Added Australia Post to the list of default shipping providers
- Tweak: Improved algorithm to match shipping providers
- Tweak: Allow stock logs to be stored for SKUs longer than 32 characters
- Fixed: Fixed issue where a normal order could be processed as FBA
1.8.3 – 2020-12-07
- Tweak: Improved handling of unexpected or incomplete XML responses
- Tweak: Added outer_material_type to the list of enabled parent columns
- Fixed: Disable profiles with inactive accounts from the List on Amazon dropdown
- Fixed: Matching by ASIN could cause duplicate category feed to be created in some cases
1.8.2 – 2020-11-24
- New: Added support for the temporary tax reduction add-on for the German Market plugin
- New: Added support for Germanized Pro's newer invoice action hook for uploading invoices to Amazon
- Tweak: Display the status of listings with fixed profile quantity as "online"
- Tweak: Display a "No profiles found" message in the dropdown when trying to list without available profiles
- Fixed: Skip sending sale_price if the external repricer setting is enabled
- Fixed: Images from the customization data not being copied to the uploads directory
- Fixed: Line item metadata was not saved properly when creating orders in WooCommerce
- Fixed: The setting "Default carrier name" was not regarded in some cases
- Fixed: The screen option "Orders per page" in the Orders page was not saved
- Fixed: FBA Shipment feed error was not getting caught
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_build_feed_type
- Dev: Added the filters wpla_order_builder_fixed_vat_percent and wpla_order_builder_fixed_tax_rate_id
- Dev: Added latin2 to the supported charsets to convert to UTF8
- Dev: Set SQL_BIG_SELECTS to prevent hitting the max join limit in MySQL
- Dev: Use the getter methods in WC_Tax class to trigger the filters
- Dev: Replace all jQuery.attr() calls with jQuery.prop() and jQuery.data()
1.8.1 – 2020-10-14
- New: Added setting option to use the product name from WooCommerce when creating orders from Amazon in WooCommerce
- Tweak: Issue where stock for cancelled orders was not replinished if that order status was still pending and no order in WooCommerce was created
- Tweak: Added more parent variation columns (size_name, size_map, gem_type)
- Fixed: Issue where duplicate listings could show up in feeds (since 1.8)
- Fixed: Shipping method ID not being used
- Dev: Added filter hook wpla_order_builder_force_deduct_line_taxes
- Dev: Added filter hook wpla_shipping_method_title
- Dev: Added filter hook wpla_new_order_item_meta
1.8 – 2020-09-23
- New: Display the current profile in the Edit Product screen
- New: Added support for the new customized item data in Amazon orders
- Tweak: Store the color name alongside the hex code when importing the new customization data
- Tweak: Store the SKU as line item meta when creating orders
- Tweak: Added target_gender to the allowed parent columns
- Tweak: Run the repricer on newly listed products and variations automatically
- Tweak: Display the current profile name of variable products on the Switch Profile form
- Fixed: Some variable listings were not getting included in the background update process
- Fixed: Use WPLA_ProductWrapper::getStock() to disregard ATUM's multi-inventory values
- Fixed: Matched variations not getting assigned a profile ID
- Fixed: Escape the staging site pattern to prevent the unknown modifier warning
- Fixed: Catch thrown WC_Data_Exception when trying to assign an invalid variation ID
- Fixed: Multiple wpla_update_reports scheduled actions not being cleared
- Dev: Log errors to WC_Logger
- Dev: Added the wpla_new_order_item_product filter
- Dev: Added the wpla_before_order_builder_line_item filter
1.7 - 2020-08-18
- New: Support for Amazon NL
- New: Support for German Market's tax reductions
- New: Added Lawn & Garden feed template for Amazon UK
- Tweak: Inventory Check: Skip products with FBA override set enabled
- Tweak: Remove ASIN from products when using the Remove from Amazon bulk action
- Tweak: When checking for the staging site pattern, fallback to the siteurl if SERVER_NAME is unavailable
- Tweak: Do not autoload the inventory queue data to reduce memory footprint
- Tweak: Added display_type and watch_movement_type columns to the allowed parent variation columns
- Fixed: Encoding issue when uploading invoices to Amazon, resulting in empty PDFs
- Fixed: Listings per page setting not getting saved
- Fixed: Matched draft products are not getting included in the feeds
- Fixed: Stop checking for referrer when using nonce for search fields to prevent the URL from getting too long
- Fixed: Deduct the taxes from the shipping total when autodetecting taxes
- Fixed: Make sure ActionScheduler is available before using the library
- Dev: Use WC_Order::add_item() to add order line items
- Dev: Added wrapper function wpla_enqueue_async_action
1.6 - 2020-06-26
- New: Support for uploading invoices created by WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips
- New: Perform background inventory checks and get notified about discrepancies
- New: Setting option to use a dedicated background process to check for new orders
- New: Setting option to assign an existing payment gateway to orders created by WP-Lister
- New: Setting option to disable "wpautop" filter when processing shortcodes
- New: Setting option to enable external repricing for all products globally
- New: Allow to edit MSRP on the Min/Max Price Wizard screen
- New: Added support for ATUM Multi Inventory plugin
- New: Added support for ATUM Product Levels (BOM) plugin
- New: Added support for DHL for WooCommerce plugin
- Tweak: Always record the fba_quantity to compare with current stock level and mark listings as out of stock even when Fallback to Seller is enabled
- Tweak: Display the green check icon for orders where stocks have been processed/reduced
- Tweak: The new "Revert Stock Changes" setting option replaces the wpla_revert_stock_reduction filter hook
- Tweak: Make the delete keyword for removing min/max prices case-insensitive
- Fixed: Tax order items do not have the rate_percent value
- Fixed: Date Paid not getting set when using a custom order status
- Fixed: Set the Date Paid value when creating orders with a processing status
- Fixed: Only deduct the taxes from the line totals if wc_prices_include_tax() is true
- Fixed: Call to undefined method Exception::getErrorCode()
- Fixed: insertMissingVariations() only checked partial variations in a multi-page variations list
- Dev: Added wpla_deduct_discounts_from_line_total filter hook
1.5.4 - 2020-05-23
- Added: New setting option to allow listing draft products
- Tweak: You can now search for the Amazon order ID on the WooCommerce Orders page
- Tweak: Added department_nameX columns to the list of allowed parent columns
- Fixed: Make sure the Germane Market plugin is installed when trying to generate an invoice
- Fixed: MSRP in the repricing tool was not saving the MSRP of simple products correctly
- Fixed: Possible issue importing items where the weight value could not be parsed, resulting in a fatal error
- Fixed: Issue where the WooCommerce iOS app could crash when viewing orders from WP-Lister
- Fixed: SKU comparison not using the wpla_case_sensitive_sku_matching setting
- Fixed: Fetch full description not getting saved to parent product
- Fixed: Automatically matching ASIN uses the first profile ID in the list
- Fixed: WPLA_Product_MetaBox::save_meta_box() ran too early which prevented it from catching other product changes such as SKU updates
- Fixed: Use WC_Product methods when setting the visibility and stock status when importing so WC can properly filter them
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings (Trying to access array offset on value of type bool and others)
1.5.3 - 2020-05-06
- New: Added support for uploading invoice PDFs using the German Market plugin
- New: Added the option to automatically detect the tax rate ID for Import and Fixed order tax processing options
- Fixed: Processing new orders might fail unless WP-Lister for eBay was installed as well
- Fixed: Allow a value of 0 in listing feeds without reverting back to the profile's value
1.5.2 - 2020-05-05
- New: Added setting options "Sales Tax Action" and "Sales Tax Rate"
- New: Added setting to instantly submit inventory feeds as soon as they are created
- New: Read the Hide on Amazon setting on active listings and send 0 stocks if it is checked
- Fixed: Remove ASIN from products when using the "Remove Listings from Amazon" action so they do not get automatically matched repeatedly
- Fixed: Cast item dimensions to float to prevent them from being stored as stdClass
- Fixed: Error Call to undefined method Exception::getErrorCode()
- Fixed: Lock table in order to prevent rare race conditions in updating shipping feeds
- Fixed: Undefined index: sku warnings
- Tweak: Allow to search for a feed by its Feed ID / Batch ID
- Tweak: Readded max-width and max-height CSS properties to the thumbnails to prevent them from stretching
- Tweak: Editing of Sale and eBay prices in the Repricing tool is now possible, even if they are initially empty
- Dev: Added the filter wpla_revert_stock_reduction
- Dev: Added filter wpla_order_shipping_taxes
1.5.1 - 2020-04-14
- New: Added the ability to edit the MSRP from the Repricing tool
- New: Added option to use external repricer (omit price when updating amazon listings)
- Tweak: Apply selected profile when auto matching listing by ASIN
- Tweak: Prevent double-clicking on the Create Order link which creates duplicate WooCommerce orders
- Fixed: Issue where bookload templates were marked as outdated
- Dev: Added the feed ID in the history message
1.5 – 2020-04-03
- New: Initial support for VAT invoice uploading with WC Germanized plugin
- New: Added the Amazon Order IDs Storage setting option
- New: Added the Ignore Orders Before setting option
- New: Added setting option to select thumbnail size on Listings page
- Tweak: Enabled thumbnails column on Listings page by default
- Tweak: Improved settings page descriptions and layout
- Fixed: Check and make sure that the estimated arrival dates are available before displaying them
- Fixed: Included listing templates can be updated to the latest versions again
- Fixed: Updated BTG for Shoes US
1.4 – 2020-03-26
- New: Added setting to select the role of new customers from Amazon orders
- New: Added the valid values for footwear sizes in the variation sizes map dropdown
- New: Improved layout and colors scheme on WP-Lister pages
- Fixed: Regard the 'Status for shipped orders' setting for FBA orders that have been shipped
- Fixed: Use the locale settings to display and save prices properly
- Dev: Ready for WooCommerce 4.0
1.3.1 – 2020-03-15
- Tweak: Store Amazon Order ID in a private order note instead of the order comments
- Fixed: Check the reduced_stock property before reverting stock reduction
- Fixed: Background CSS change while modal window is open
- Fixed: Cleaned layout of images metabox on edit product page
- Fixed: Broken layout on profile selection message on WooCommerce product page
- Fixed: Various minor layout issues
1.3 – 2020-03-01
- New: Added a setting option to disable the use of sale prices
- New: Allow setting the Restock Date value on product level and variation level
- Fixed: HTML in custom shortcodes was getting stripped
- Fixed: Import by ASIN was removing newlines from item list
- Fixed: Imported/Queued listings were not showing up in the Listings table
- Fixed: Various warnings when trying to process cancelled orders without address and order items
- Tweak: Show custom text field for recommended_browse_nodes
- Tweak: Added unit_count, unit_count_type and standard_product_id to the allowed fields in parent rows
- Dev: Added wpla_before_update_product_from_item hook
1.2.1 – 2020-02-15
- Fixed: Warning: Use of undefined constant WPLA_PLUGIN_URL
- Fixed: Amazon price was not displayed in the Quick Edit form
- Fixed: The line count did not always match the actual number of lines in the feed
- Tweak: Exclude draft products from the feed notifications
- Dev: Use wp_kses_post_data filter when parsing HTML input on settings page
1.2 – 2020-01-24
- New: Added Amazon Price field in the Quick Edit screen
- New: Added support for updating basic listing properties via the REST API
- New: Added buttons to optimize and clear the stocks log table
- Fixed: Use wpla_clean instead of wc_clean to prevent fatal errors when updating WooCommerce
- Fixed: Override line tax calculation to use the gross price
- Fixed: Adjust line totals after getting the correct tax totals from WooCommerce
- Fixed: Deduct the shipping tax from the shipping totals when autodetecting taxes
- Fixed: Let WooCommerce take care of the tax calculation when autodetect mode is selected
- Fixed: Make sure FBA Reports are pulled as scheduled even if update interval is set to External Cron
- Fixed: Added proper checks to array indices to prevent Illegal string offset errors
- Fixed: Fixed error when accessing item as an array
- Tweak: Optimize log tables during the daily maintenance run
- Dev: Increased max log size to 50MB
- Dev: Added 1 day and 3 days options to the setting stock_days_limit
- Dev: Added wpla_order_builder_force_shipping_tax_deduction filter hook
1.1 – 2019-12-29
- Tweak: Check both afn-listing-exists and afn-fulfillable-quantity prior to processing the report row
- Tweak: Skip draft products from being included in feeds
- Tweak: Skip processing order line item if the quantity is zero
- Tweak: Check profile quantity when running FeedValidator checks
- Fixed: Stocks getting reduced when creating orders even with Sync Sales off
- Fixed: Importing variable products could show as out of stock
- Fixed: Check for handling-time from the profile when getting the leadtime-to-ship value
- Fixed: Check Now button in the Reports page
- Dev: Catch exceptions to prevent throwing fatal errors on empty responses from the API
- Dev: Added the $custom_shortcode as a parameter when processing custom shortcodes
- Fixed: Custom Amazon product description was missing HTML tags when a product was saved
- Fixed: Remove from Amazon bulk action was not shown
- Fixed: Improved security and compatibility by following best practice guidelines
- Fixed: Automatic tax detection when tax calculation is based on billing address in WooCommerce
- Tweak: Check the afn-listing-exists value before processing the FBA listing
- Tweak: Set the data_paid value depending on the order's new status
- Tweak: Removed legacy support for PHP 5.2
- Fixed: Reverted change from 1.0.1 to recalculate totals based on the line items as it could lead to wrong totals
- Dev: Added the $order parameter to the wpla_skip_quantity_sync filter hook
- Fixed: Fixed error "Call to a member function is_type() on boolean"
- Fixed: Warnings about accessing undefined property
- Fixed: Some taxes getting dropped after recalculating totals
- Tweak: Added the department_name column back to the list of allowed parent columns
- Tweak: Improved Tutorial page
- Dev: Added the wpla_allowed_parent_var_columns filter
- Added: Option for stats to count FBA overrides on product level (disabled by default for better performance)
- Fixed: Listings were not getting removed (reverting to Submitted status) if they had matching SKUs in other accounts/markets
- Fixed: Possible issue with special characters in the listing title
- Fixed: Possible issue where size_map or color_map column would not be populated correctly when creating feeds
- Fixed: PHP warning "undefined offset"
- Tweak: Delay updating pending feeds when bulk-listing products
- Tweak: Recalculate totals for WC orders based on the line items fetched from Amazon (since Amazon now collects taxes)
- Tweak: Exclude certain meta from being copied over to duplicated variations
- Tweak: Allow to manually process FBA Managed Inventory reports
- Tweak: Regard the Case Sensitive SKU setting when processing FBA Manage Inventory Report
- Tweak: Updated the list of allowed parent columns
- Tweak: Changed the text domain to wp-lister-for-amazon
- Tweak: Retry requests returning HTTP code 429 the same way as for code 503 (RequestThrottled)
- Dev: Added the wpla_process_inventory_report_listing filter
- Added: Search specific listings using comma-separated ASINs (or post IDs) prefixed with #
- Added: Support for the FBA Manage Inventory report to be able to use the afn-fulfillable-quantity data from Amazon
- Added: Setting to turn on case-sensitive SKU matching
- Added: Support for 3rd party plugins: Admin Columns Pro, ATUM and PW Bulk Edit
- Added: Added AMAZON_JP to the available Fulfillment Center IDs for FBA
- Fixed: FBA/Non-FBA views in the Listings table did not reflect the FBA Overwrites set on the product level
- Fixed: Variation titles were getting overwritten when new variations to a product were added
- Fixed: Error messages which were being hidden by the wc-admin plugin should be visible again
- Fixed: Shipping total when discounts are used
- Fixed: Description fetching and included features/bullets when pulling full description from Amazon
- Fixed: Errors in the Orders page when displaying orders under a deleted account
- Fixed: Undefined variable warnings in WPLA_OrderBuilder and Woo_ProductWrapper classes
- Fixed: Deprecated WC_Product::increase_stock() call
- Fixed: Various warnings and notices
- Tweak: Skip looking up listings to update after submitting an Order Fulfillment feed
- Tweak: Added manufacturer_minimum_age to the allowed parent columns
- Tweak: The process to handle product stock updates should no longer listen to checkout stock changes
- Tweak: Enhanced the CustomizedInfo parser
- Dev: Added wpla_inventory_before_change action hook
- Dev: Added wpla_processed_attribute_shortcode filter hook
- Added: New setting to "Convert newline to BR HTML tags" in content fields
- Added: Show flags on Products page to indicate the marketplace(s) the product is listed on
- Added: Handling time field for variations
- Fixed: Issue with CustomizationInfo parser
- Fixed: B2B price not getting included in the feeds
- Fixed: Some rare cases where processing reports could fail or throw errors
- Fixed: Non-fulfillable error showing in cart with no FBA items added
- Fixed: Store the correct value in reduced_stock item meta field
- Fixed: Character encoding in some feeds
- Fixed: Limit the address to 60 characters to prevent an InvalidRequest error when getting shipping rates from Amazon
- Tweak: Renamed the "Record Promo Discounts" setting to "Apply Amazon Discounts"
- Tweak: Mark order as shipped if there are no errors and warnings
- Tweak: Handle case-sensitive SKUs when updating quantity from an FBA Inventory report
- Tweak: Update the title when marking a listing as changed
- Dev: Added wpla_updated_product_from_item action hook
- Dev: Added wpla_order_builder_new_order_status and wpla_amazon_size_values filter hooks
- Dev: Added more parameters to the wpla_added_order_item_meta hook
- Added: B2B price fields on edit product page
- Fixed: PHP Error "Class JobsModel not found"
- Fixed: PHP Notice "Undefined variable: tpl_title"
- Dev: Added wpla_added_order_item_meta action hook
- Added: Indicate Amazon Business orders on Orders page
- Tweak: Increased the timeout to 300 seconds when uploading custom feed templates to be converted
- Tweak: Apply profile in batches to use less ressources when updating the profile on a large number of items
- Tweak: Enable update_delete column in profile editor if expert mode is enabled
- Tweak: Add the _reduced_stock item meta to tell WooCommerce to restock the item when its refunded
- Tweak: Improved wording on import page, clarify difference between importing by ASIN and from a report
- Fixed: Gift Wrap line items always getting added to orders
- Fixed: Possible issues with CustomizedBuyerInfo 3.0 data
- Fixed: PHP notice 'Trying to get property 'title' of non-object' when creating feeds without a feed template
- Added: Support for WooCommerce Additional Variation Images Gallery plugin
- Added: Support for CustomizedBuyerInfo property data version 3.0
- Added: Button to "Clean listings table and delete from Amazon" next to existing "Clean listings table" button
- Tweak: Decode HTML entities when processing attributes
- Tweak: Delete update_plugins transient when "Force update check" button is clicked
- Fixed: ConsumerEletronics IT feed template
- Fixed: Warning "sizeof (): parameter must be an array or object that implements countable"
- Fixed: Warnings in the Storefront Powerpack plugin
- Fixed: Warning about missing status index
- Fixed: Feeds using different feed templates could possibly be merged
- Fixed: FBA only mode could stay enabled while FBA itself was disabled
- Fixed: Check license status button redirecting to general setting page
- Fixed: Log auto deletion would not work on some cases
- Tweak: Do not show invalid EAN warning if 13 digit EAN is prefixed with a zero
- Tweak: Added supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation1-5 to the list of allowed parent columns
- Dev: Added wpla_order_shipping_location filter hook
- Added: Full support for uploading custom feed templates generated on seller central
- Added: Reminder message if you are not using MWS Auth Token for authentication yet
- Added: Reminder message about updating outdated feed templates on Categories and Profiles pages
- Tweak: Improved profile editor for InventoryLoader template (explain codes like 1 = ASIN)
- Tweak: Skip the first image in the gallery if using custom amazon images
- Tweak: Improved representation of gift wrap options in generated WooCommerce order
- Tweak: Store the BuyerCustomizedInfo for orders with customized listings
- Tweak: Store the _order_tax order meta for backwards compatibility
- Fixed: Feed generation on WooCommerce 2.6
- Fixed: Non-numeric error message in PHP 7.1+
- Dev: Added the filter hook wpla_profile_field_force_text_input
- Dev: Added wpla_get_listings_where function for 3rd-party devs
- Re-added support for Amazon AU
- Fixed layout issue on add account form
- Ignore the fulfillment_latency value if listing is FBA
- Normalize the MSRP prices before saving to the DB
- Make sure brand_name is a free text field in the profile editor
- Regard feed currency format setting when building InventoryLoader feeds
- Fixed possible issue when FBA Override setting was not working correctly when set to FBM
- Added the Length attribute to the Merge Variation Attributes dropdown
- Fixed issues importing some new feed templates with very long signatures
- Show warning if template signature is missing on category settings page and feed details page
- Display feed template version on Profiles overview page to see which profiles use outdated templates
- Improved field sort order in profile editor
- Set parent variable's status to online before skipping when generating LiLo feeds
- Modified the regex pattern in the _extractHttpStatusCode methods to properly parse HTTP/2 responses
- Fixed the retrieval of the shipping country and state values fixCountryStates()
- Added support for InventoryLoader feed template as an alternative to ListingLoader feeds for US, UK, CA and DE
- Added missing category and signature to new custom/category listing feeds (template refresh required)
- Disallow direct editing of prices on repricer page for items with min/max prices if automatic repricing is enabled, because manual price changes would be overwritten by repricer
- Added support for installing custom feed templates for the UK, FR, DE, ES and IT marketplaces
- Added billing and shipping address index to make the orders searchable
- Added the Import WPLE Product IDs tool in Tools > Developer
- Added action hook 'wpla_order_submitted_to_fba'
- Updated instructions to connect an account to reflect recent changes
- Removed support for new AU sellers for now (will return shortly)
- Include the batteries_required property for parent variations
- Automatically convert variation theme MaterialColor into Color-Material
- Fixed sale-end-date being set to 2019-01-01 when no end sale date is specified
- Fixed display_errors in WPLA being enabled by default when WPLA_DEBUG is set
- Fixed warnings in the FeedTemplateHelper class
- Fixed leadtime-to-ship column not processing shortcodes
- Fixed fatal PHP error that some users were seeing
- Finally: We are able to support new US sellers again!
- Added support for uploading custom feed templates in Settings > Categories
- Added missing feed template for AutoAccessory DE category (Auto & Motorrad)
- Fixed empty leadtime-to-ship column in Price&Quantity feeds for items using a category feed
- Fixed the date_created date when creating WC orders from Amazon
- Fixed "Failed to parse valid HTTP response" error on some sites
- Fixed the Delete Listing link in the Duplicate Listings table
- Force error logging when WPLA_DEBUG is enabled
- Added wpla_end_listing action hook
- Added wpla_complete_sale_on_amazon action hook
- Added wpla_prepare_product_without_profile filter hook
- Added support for new feed templates of type "fptcustom" (like Health UK, which uses "fptcustom" type now instead of "health")
- Disabled check for required fields in profile editor, because there are too many fields incorrectly tagged as required in the new feed templates (for example 'lens_type' in Health UK)
- Added message to tooltip description for fulfillment-center-id (FCID) profile field
- Make ingredients columns available for parent variations
- Use new ListingLoader feed template (version 2014.0703) by default on new installations
- Removed the completed order status from orderCanBeFulfilledViaFBA so WPLA doesn't send completed orders to Amazon
- Fixed feeds being stuck as pending
- Fixed issues authenticating via SellerID and MWS Auth Token for EU sellers
- Small improvements on the edit accounts page
- Updated MWS client libraries to latest versions
- WC3.5: Fixed double stock reduction on eBay orders in WooCommerce 3.5
- Added support for authenticating via SellerID and MWS Auth Token when adding account (EU only)
- Added Repricing Shipping option to allow automatic repricer to take shhipping fees into account
- Added setting to use a single search term field to replace the 5 keyword fields on the edit product page
- Fixed missing min/max prices for new listings
- Added support for MWS Auth Token in account settings
- Added option to manually switch a specific SKU to FBA or FBM on the product/variation level
- Added FBA stock sync option to allow syncing back FBA stock levels into WooCommerce without having to enable FBA only mode
- When syncing FBA stock levels back to WC, skip products which are manually set to FBM (via fba_overwrite)
- When importing taxes from Amazon, deduct the tax amount from the line totals
- Notify WPLE when updating stock levels from FBA Inventory report
- Validate the billing email before storing it to avoid the WC error
- Skip parent variables in ListingLoader feeds
- Increased the log file size to 25MB
- More timezone adjustments
- Fixed line tax not getting detected properly
- Fixed issue where listings are being marked as changed after importing orders from Amazon
- Added PHP Error Handling setting
- Added "LiLo version" option on developer settings page
- Removed item_weight and other columns from LiLo 2014.0703 template to avoid Error 8058 due to missing units (like item_weight_unit_of_measure)
- Removed item_weight/product_weight shortcode to be filled in automatically in new ListingLoader profiles
- Added wpla_custom_tracking_number and wpla_custom_tracking_provider filters
- Added wpla_custom_shipping_date and wpla_custom_shipping_date filters
- Added wpla_parse_order_column_value filter
- Added wpla_profile_template_data filter
- Added support for latest ListingLoader versions for Amazon US, CA, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES and AU
- Automatically set default values for batteries_required and supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation columns for FBA items in ListingLoader feeds
- Keep internal and external ListingLoader feeds separate (Offer/LiLo) to avoid merging feeds with different columns
- Updated internal ListingLoader template to latest version
- Tweak: If FBA only mode is enabled, force all items to FBA enabled in all product feeds
- Show dates in the local timezone defined in WordPress settings
- Fixed support for Aelia Currency Converter
- Listen to events from wc_product_update_stock() to be able to mark listings as changed
- Use WC_Order::set_status() then WC_Order::save() to allow order status overrides
- Changed the size of the post_id and parent_id columns in amazon_listings to match the size of wp_posts::ID table column
- Added wpla_fulfillment_preview_address and wpla_fulfillment_preview_products filters hooks
- Added FBA support for Amazon AU
- Added wpla_get_stock filter hook
- Added a check to make sure only items from the same account can get purchased using FBA
- For products linked to multiple listings, attempt to use the one that's linked to the default account when processing FBA submissions
- Store the item's tax class regardless of the vat_enabled status
- Fixed issue where only the first 4 valid values were imported from a feed template
- Fixed TotalShippingFee in getFulfillmentPreview so it doesn't multiply the fee with the item quantity
- Fixed REST API listener to add backwards compatibility with the v1 branch
- Fixed Check License Activation link nonce
- Added options to map WooCommerce colors/sizes to standard Amazon colors/sizes to automatically populate the color_map and size_map columns
- Added support for searching listings using UPC/EAN
- Added the wpla_product_matches_query_fields filter hook
- Show warning on edit account page if secret key length is not 40 chars
- Remove all spaces from secret key when creating account
- Fixed process links on Reports page
- Fixed version details link on Plugins page
- Fixed thousands separator on rounded prices (1,000 would show as 1)
- Fixed the Create Order link not getting processed
- Added part_number to the allowed columns for parent listings
- Disabled the product counts by default to avoid rare performance issues on slow servers
- Added MusicalInstruments feed template for Amazon FR, DE, CA, IT, ES
- Added a setting option to enable the product counts on "On Amazon" and "Not on Amazon" views
- Use number_format() instead of round() to fix rare precision issue
- Improved feed generation performance by caching data for variable products
- Improved security against CSRF (cross site request forgery)
- Added wpla_order_builder_line_item filter
- Added wpla_set_tracking_number_for_order and wpla_set_tracking_service_for_order filter hooks
- Minor CSS fixes
- Added product counts to the On Amazon and Not on Amazon filter options
- Added option to enable offer images (aka condition images) in all ListingLoader feeds (Pro)
- Added experimental option to load B2B templates (only Amazon UK and DE for now) (Pro)
- Improved edit account page and added information about brand registry option
- Tweaked "Feed currency format" option, which is now only active on EU sites using Euro (DE, FR IT, ES) and enabled by default
- Reduce the line total when a discount is present to adjust the line tax accordingly
- Store the total_tax item meta to fix the shipping display in the PDF Invoices and Packing Slips plugin
- Fixed shipping tax bug where compound rates are being ignored
- Fixed multiple issues related to importing products und updating imported products
- Fixed wrong quantity in Listings table if profile quantity override option was used
- Fixed profile selection not reflecting the active profile on edit product page for variable products
- Fixed and improved warning when user attempts to change SKU on child variations (and show no warning if SKU was empty)
- Fixed issue where changing SKU on child variations would lead to duplicate variation listings with identical SKUs
- Added feed templates for Amazon.es (Office, Luggage, ConsumerElectronics which replaces CE)
- Show warning on Profiles page if template is meant for a different marketplace than a profile's account is linked to
- Improved tooltip for repricing options (update interval, explain limit of 2400 items per hour)
- Fixed issue when importing shipping taxes from Amazon
- Fixed minor CSS issues on edit product page
- Fixed possble PHP notices
- Pass the account ID in WPLA_ListingsModel::processBuyBoxPricingResult() to fix possible error introduced in
- Pass data parameter to the wpla_added_product_from_listing action hook
- Added support for amazon.com.au (Australia)
- Added missing PetSupplies and Luggage feed templates for Amazon DE (Haustierbedarf / Koffer)
- Added support for the new WooCommerce Products Importer
- Fixed issue where tax was doubled when imported from Amazon
- Fixed issue where bulk actions on the SKU Generator would not work
- Fixed issue getting the proper name of the shipping provider in WC Shipment Tracking v1.6.6+
- Fixed issue updating buy_box and lowest_price in the listings when using multiple accounts
- Listings Table: Show custom profile price if set
- Order creation: Set the total and save the order using WC_Order::set_total() and WC_Order::save() to trigger the currency converter action
- Improved statename detection in created orders (remove accents from statename)
- Make sure variation_theme column is empty in feeds for simple products
- Trim excess whitespace before using nl2br()
- Skip trashed listings when marking items as modified
- Use new WPLA_ProductWrapper::getProductTitle() method in the WPLA_SkuGenTable class to display correct product titles
- Tweaked Custom Product Description field: use wp_editor() instead of woocommerce_wp_textarea_input() to avoid escaping all HTML tags
- Added option to download and upload listing profiles (backup and restore)
- Added partial support to qTranslate to translate the title, description, bullet points and keywords based on the account's site code
- Added Sequential Order Numbers support for FBA orders
- Added setting to ignore product images and not add them to the feeds
- Added wpla_build_feed action hook
- Added wpla_account_locale filter hook
- Added new amazon.com.br marketplace (experimental, not officially supported yet)
- Allow profile fields to override the product price under certain conditions
- Record shipping taxes that are outside the vat_rates array
- Use WC_Product::get_title() instead of $product->post->post_title for best practice
- Use wc_update_product_stock() over WC_Product::reduce_stock() which is now deprecated
- Unset leadtime-to-ship feed column if quantity is empty to avoid errors in feeds
- Fixed issue with sale price and/or sale start and end dates being empty in feed
- Fixed issue where listings were not marked as changed when updated via WC REST API in WC 3.x
- Fixed "WC_Product::get_total_stock is deprecated" warning
- Reorganized the Tax options on the settings page
- Added option to import sales tax data from Amazon orders
- Added 'Create selected orders in WooCommerce' bulk action on orders page
- Added wpla_custom_values filter hook to allow custom code snnippets to create custom product properties and attributes
- Load column values using variation IDs if the current product is a variation
- Load the variations using the product's parent ID (WC3+)
- Strip all HTML tags from the product_title
- Allow more valid parent columns for the Books feed template
- Marked outdated US feed templates as deprecated (Lighting, Outdoors, removed TiresAndWheels from AutoAccessory template)
- Fixed bug where the %%% placeholder is not getting processed when used at the start of the title
- Fixed possible fatal error in the WC_Order class when 3rd party plugins update an order's status
- Fixed issue where the shipping line was not showing taxes
- Fixed issue where custom profile sale dates were replaced by default dates
- Fixed issue with order creation date by replacing the MEST timezone with CEST so PHP can parse it
- updated process of linking an Amazon seller account to WP-Lister to refrect recent changes on Seller Central
- load the product level feed columns for the parent product when dealing with variable products
- fixed an issue when pulling attached gallery images
- fixed an issue with variation product data on WooCommerc 2.x
- use native WC3.x methods to update the order date after updating its status to prevent the status update from resetting
- added filter hook wpla_order_can_be_fulfilled_via_fba
- improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.x
- added the option to disable on-hold order emails
- store the currency first when creating orders to make the currency coverter work again
- do not touch the _price product meta when updating products from Amazon to make sale prices function properly
- changed the data column in the amazon_reports column to longblob
- fixed undefined variable error in FeedsPage
- improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.x
- fixed child variations not being able to access data in WC3.x
- added Conditional Order Item Updates setting option to improve order fetching performance in some cases
- added the wpla_order_post_data filter to allow 3rd-party code to hook into the process of creating orders in WooCommerce
- improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.x
- update existing WC Order's status when importing orders from Amazon
- added the ability to store multiple tax rates for a single line item
- skip loading the ProductMatcher JS in the frontend/toolbar if the current user does not have the manage_amazon_listings capability
- hide the Filter Orders notice on Lite users since they do not have access to that functionality
- store the item description from the import CSV
- added Custom feed template for Amazon UK
- added warnings to the listings page and edit product page when SKUs that start with 0 are found
- added support for WC Shipment Tracking v1.6.6
- use the parent ID in variable products for the Edit Product links
- make sure jQueryFileTree is loaded on the Edit Product screen
- fixed selected shipping service on edit order page
- do not auto-submit FBA orders if FBA is not enabled
- removed “skipped node without parent” warnings during category update
- improved WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility
- tested on WordPress 4.8
- added Software & Video Games feed template for amazon.ca
- added 'wpla_shipping_method_label' filter hook to allow modification to the shipping labels
- added 'wpla_added_product_from_listing' action hook
- removed jQueryFileTree connectors due to a potential security issue
- store the shipping tax line inside a 'total' index to make shipping taxes appear in the order items list
- fixed order VAT rates not getting stored properly
- fixed possible PHP warning on WC Email Settings page
- fixed product gallery for variable products on WooCommerce 3.0
- added “Material” to the list of destination attributes for Merge Variation Attributes option
- fixed possible fatal error during feed generation (which could break cron job execution)
- fixed possible "Undefined index" warning (PHP Notice) when updating stock levels
- fixed issue where disabled emails are still sent on WooCommerce 3.0
- fixed issue where Amazon metadata was not copied when duplicating a product on WooCommerce 3.0
- fixed issue where quantity was only updated when an inventory report was processed twice
- added option to include the shipment time when submitting an Order Fulfillment Feed
- added tooltip to listing title to indicate whether an item was imported, matched or listed from WooCommerce
- pull condition_type and condition_note from variations in variable products if set
- added FoodAndBeverages feed template for amazon.it (Alimentari e cura della casa)
- added 'wpla_skip_quantity_sync' filter to skip quantity sync via 3rd-party code
- added 'wpla_product_matches_request_query' filter to allow 3rd-party code to alter the query before sending to Amazon
- allow 0 to be saved in the Profile edit screen
- allow 0 profile quantity to override the WC product's quantity
- fixed autodetect taxes not working when no tax rate ID is set
- fixed On Amazon filter being reset when using search form, direct pagination or other filter options on Products page
- fixed fatal error when plugin updates check doesn't return a WP_Error object and an HTTP code other than 200
- fixed “Sold Out” listing status if stock level is below zero
- added LawnAndGarden (Jardin) feed template for amazon.fr
- check for missing database tables and show warning on settings pages
- updated tooltip for “Process daily inventory report” option (include warning about outdated data in reports)
- remove amazon_stock_log table when uninstalling the plugin
- minor layout fixes and improvements
- added feed template for Collectible Coins US
- show the Prime icon for orders using Amazon Prime
- exclude changed and submitted items from having their stocks updated from the reports
- fixed importing products without ASIN (where the Merchant report only contains SKU and UPC/EAN)
- fixed issue where VAT would be incorrectly added to created WooCommerce orders if prices are entered without taxes
- fixed profile editor not loading on PHP7.1
- fixed importing book specific metadata from amazon.it
- make sure the daily cron schedule is executed when wp-cron is broken and an external cron job is used (trigger daily cron by external cron if not executed for 36 hours)
- improved daily schedule: show last run on tools and dev settings page, allow manual execution more often than once in 24 hours, log table cleaning results to log file
- prevent accidentally removing all listings without a parent from Amazon by running the “Remove from Amazon” bulk action without any products selected
- prevent resetting the shipment date to today when importing old shipped orders (like after restoring a backup) with both options to “Create Orders” in WooCommerce and to “Mark as shipped on Amazon” enabled
- auto-detect staging site (if domain contains staging or wpstagecoach) and omit requesting daily reports on staging site
- only update other listings with the same post/parent ID if there are more than one account set up
- force all date/time functions to use UTC regardless, of local timezone (use gmdate instead of date, use ‘UTC’ suffix on strtotime)
- show warning on accounts page if multiple accounts use the same Merchant ID and “Filter orders” option is disabled
- importing orders: if "Filter orders" option is enabled, make sure an existing order is assigned to the right account_id
- improved performance when importing orders by not updating pending feeds when updating other listings with the same post/parent ID
- if invalid data is found show warning and offer to assign all found items to the default account
- fixed fatal error in SDK class MarketplaceWebService/Model/ResponseHeaderMetadata.php (Redefinition of parameter $quotaMax)
- improved log viewer
- added MusicLoader feed template for Amazon UK
- added support for defining a custom position for variation attribute values in listing title by using the placeholder ‘%%%’
- added the filter 'wpla_disable_fba_to_wc_stock_sync' to allow 3rd-party code to disable fba stock sync
- allow orders to Canada (CA) to be fulfilled from FBA US (AMAZON_NA)
- fixed a rare issue where the fulfillment_latency column was not being processed correctly
- fixed the 'Select from Amazon' button to not working properly on Edit Product screen
- fixed an undefined variable warning when calculating FBA shipping (on checkout)
- fixed execution of background tasks (cron job)
- added missing feed templates for amazon.it
- added missing BookLoader feed template for Amazon IT, ES, DE, FR and CA
- added staging site option on developer settings page
- added support for additional variation images added by WooThumbs plugin
- added 'wpla_repriced_products' hook that runs after products have been repriced
- improved tooltip description for custom Amazon price field
- listen for product updates made via the new WC REST API in WC 2.6+
- broadcast stock updates using wpla_product_has_changed to update other listings with the same post and parent ID
- use MWS Orders API version 2013-09-01 to fetch orders and order line items
- fixed saving settings on the Advanced Settings page on multisite installs
- added In WooCommerce / Not in WooCommerce filter views on Orders page
- added check for ASINs containing leading or trailing whitespace - and prompt user to fix it by clicking a button
- added Shoes feed template for amazon.de (Schuhe & Handtaschen) - and fixed internal ID for Kitchen template
- added various missing feed templates for Amazon ES
- added feed templates for Amazon Japan
- allow custom quantity in listing profile to overwrite WooCommerce quantity
- allow orders to Puerto Rico (PR) to be fulfilled from FBA US
- minimize delay when syncing sales from eBay to Amazon and allow an external cron job to run every minute
- include only shipping date (not time) in ship-date column in Order Fulfillment Feed
- fetch more orders at a time by using ListOrdersByNextToken request to process multi-page API results (increases maximum number of orders from 100 to 600 before throttling kicks in)
- if product has no feature image assigned use first gallery image instead
- switched recommended web cron service from CronBlast to EasyCron
- improved processing of browse tree guides
- store the tracking service and number when saving orders so they'll get submitted when an order gets marked as complete
- store the currency before storing the order total to allow currency switcher to work when saving order totals
- fixed issue where FBA items would not automatically fall back to seller fulfilled unless FBA Inventory Report is processed manually
- fixed order date on WooCommerce 2.6
- fixed possible PHP Notice "Undefined offset..." for invalid CSV data
- fixed issue where stock levels on Listings page would not be reverted when an order was cancelled
- added Eyewear feed template for Amazon UK
- added option to store Amazon promotional discounts as WooCommerce order discounts
- added an option to use the Amazon order number when displaying WooCommerce orders
- fixed possible division by 0 warnings when creating orders in WooCommerce
- fixed possible fatal error in wp-admin when Shipping Options are enabled
- fixed possible issue where main product image was sent as variation image
- disable the shipping options check when running wp-cron to prevent fatal error
- improved storing stock log records
- added options to set add-on FBA shipping fees
- added Luggage feed template for Amazon UK
- added Entertainment Collectibles browse tree guide for Amazon US
- added button to repair crashed MySQL tables on developer tools page
- fixed issue when importing SKUs with an apostrophe
- fixed product prices in created WooCommerce orders for multiple units of the same product if auto detect tax rate option is disabled
- fixed item count on Orders page for orders containing multiple units of the same product
- added option to list/prepare a product and switch listing profile from the Edit Product screen's sidebar
- added option to "Skip orders for foreign items" when creating orders in WooCommerce
- added Toys and Baby feed templates for amazon.it (Giochi e giocattoli / Prima infanzia)
- added support for Amazon Payments Advanced plugin
- added admin-ajax.php action "wpla_request_inventory_report" to request Merchant Inventory Report via external cron job
- added class wc_input_price to all price fields on edit product page to enable WooCommerce inline price validation
- added option to enable/disable automatic tax calculation when creating orders in WooCommerce
- fixed incorrect order date when creating orders in WooCommerce 2.6
- fixed issue adding new variations to existing listings if more than one amazon account are set up
- fixed PHP warning on WC2.6: Declaration of WPLA_Shipping_Method::calculate_shipping() should be compatible with WC_Shipping_Method::calculate_shipping()
- fixed issue where VAT would be incorrectly added to created WooCommerce orders if prices are entered without taxes and the site has a tax rate set up for the shop's base address
- fixed issue where customers without a default shipping address (e.g. guests) could not calculating the shipping costs from the cart page
- fixed wp_remote_* calls which will be returning objects in WP 4.6
- force merchant_shipping_group_name template field to be an optional text field (fixes issue with Clothing UK feed template where this field is incorrectly marked as required)
- improved 'On Amazon' and 'Not on Amazon' product filters for large sites
- improved stock logger - include information about class and method which triggered stock change
- store optional gift message as order line meta field when creating order in WooCommerce
- added support WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin when listing items on Amazon
- fixed line totals and VAT amounts when creating WooCommerce orders for more than 1 purchased unit
- added option to enable FBA Shipping Options on WooCommerce checkout page
- calculate taxes based on the product's tax class and shipping address when creating orders in WooCommerce
- improved tax information in created WooCommerce orders if prices are entered without tax
- added editable eBay Price column to repricing tool
- added "Remove from Amazon" bulk action on Products page
- import "Important Information" section (with legal info) when using the "Fetch Full Description" bulk action
- fixed pagination links loosing search box query on repricing page
- fixed issue where eBay listing was not updated when variable product was purchased on Amazon
- added AutoAccessory feed template for amazon.it
- added MSRP column and discount percentages on repricing tool page
- added experimental support for handling tracking details stored by WooForce Shipment Tracking plugin
- added check for Solaris/SunOS - show warning message if running on Solaris
- added FBA Inventory Health Report to list of reports which are processed automatically
- allow sort by stock level on repricing page
- skip parent variations when creating Price&Quantity feed
- fixed possible fatal error when activating license: Call to undefined function wpleup()
- added support for processing FBA Inventory Health reports and show inventory age details in repricing tool
- added support for custom order numbers when submitting MCF orders to be fulfilled via FBA
- added support for WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro 1.7.0+
- added option to subtract the quantity sent to Amazon by the value entered as "Out Of Stock Threshold" in WooCommerce
- added option to skip out of stock items when fetching lowest price data from Amazon
- added option to display item condition and notes in the product page
- added separate BuyBox filter on repricing page and changed lowest price filter to ignore BuyBox flag
- added FBA inventory age filter on repricing page
- added stock log tools page
- added FoodAndBeverages feed template for amazon.fr
- added Eyewear feed template for amazon.de
- improved support for WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite (fix issue where updated listings were not marked as changed)
- improved processing FBA Inventory Reports: mark item as changed if FBA fallback is enabled and Fulfillment Center ID has changed
- improved repricing algorithm - set ExcludeMe parameter for GetLowestOfferListingsForASIN request to make sure lowest offer data shows only prices from competitors, and enable repricing undercut for competitors prices
- improved performance by caching account and marketplace data
- improved displaying listing quality warnings in listings table
- improved creating orders: convert country state names to ISO code (New South Wales -> NSW) (requires WC2.3+)
- show FNSKU on listing page for FBA items
- allow held orders to be submitted again to Amazon (submission status "hold")
- update WooCommerce order status when Amazon order status has changed (Unshipped to Shipped)
- fixed issue where product variations with missing parent products (corrupted database) would break feed generation process - show warning on Feeds page if this is detected
- fixed search box on orders page
- fixed profile shortcodes being ignored for price and sale price
- fixed "not lowest price" filter on repricing tool showing items with no lowest price at all (no competitor and no buy box)
- fixed blank details page if WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro plugin is active
- fixed fetching feed processing results when there are more than 100 submitted/pending feeds
- fixed error handling when submitting MCF orders to be fulfilled via FBA
- fixed Error 99001: A value is required for the "manufacturer" field (for parent variations)
- fixed Error 8560: Missing Attributes target_audience_keyword (for parent variations, Toys US)
- fixed rare issue where variation_theme column would be left empty (Error 99006: A value is required in the "variation_theme" field...)
- database upgrade to version 35 - change feed processing result column to MEDIUMTEXT (wp_amazon_feeds.results)
- database upgrade to version 36 - increase field size for varchar columns in table wp_amazon_feed_tpl_data (fix incomplete profile data for some templates like Health FR)
- added option to not use featured image from parent variation for child variations (avoid same swatch image for all child variation, disabled by default)
- added Kitchen and Office feed template for amazon.de
- added Clothing (Abbigliamento) feed template for amazon.it
- added Amazon Logistics shipping provider
- fixed Entertainment Collectibles feed template
- remember invalid parent variation problems during import process and show warning message on edit product page
- fixed fetching reports when there are more than 100 submitted/pending reports
- fixed possible issue with Map Variation Attributes setting option
- fixed issue where Main Image URL would show as "Required" when editing a profile
- fixed empty quantity column issue if fulfillment_center_id is forced empty in profile - and make sure fulfillment_center_id column is set to Optional
- added option to bulk remove min/max prices from min/max price wizard
- added support for AMAZON_CA fulfillment center ID (experimental!)
- improved checking for processed feeds - avoid feeds being stuck as submitted due to agressive caching plugins
- improved SKU Generator tool: check existing SKUs and skip products where SKU generation would result in duplicates
- make sure sale price stays within min/max boundaries - prevent Amazon from throwing price alert and deactivating the listing
- do not use featured image from parent variation for child variations (avoid same swatch image for all childs)
- renamed Feed ID to Batch ID and improved title on feed details page
- removed deprecated feed template Miscellaneous (US)
- fixed custom main_image_url setting on product level being ignored
- fixed issue updating product details on PHP5.6 with Suhosin patch installed (and suhosin.post.disallow_nul option on)
- fixed issue where cancelled orders were stuck as "Pending" (since LastUpdateDate apparently stays the same)
- fixed SKU generator not showing and processing all missing SKUs (check for NULL meta values)
- fixed missing success indicator and message when preparing items in bulk from Products page (or matching products or applying lowest prices in bulk)
- trigger stock status notifications when reducing stock level
- implemented batch mode for FBA inventory check tools
- improved inventory check memory requirements - disable autoload for temp data (requires WP4.2+)
- make sure ASINs have no leading or trailing spaces when creating matched listings from product
- fixed importing listings with identical SKUs from multiple accounts / sites
- fixed possible SQL error during import: Column 'post_content' cannot be null
- fixed possible PHP error on edit account page if MWS credentials are incorrect and no marketplaces were found
- fixed missing categories when processing multiple browse tree guides for the same feed template
- fixed fatal error when using Min/Max Price Wizard to set prices based on sale price
- fixed possible fatal error in Woo_ProductBuilder.php on line 1045
- fixed fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $quotaMax (PHP7)
- fixed possible fatal error in ListingsModel.php on line 1679
- fixed narrow tooltips
- fixed PHP warning on PHP7
- improved performance on log and orders pages - database version 33
- improved performance of processing FBA reports
- improved inventory check tools - implemented batch processing and improved general performance
- improved address format for in FBA submission feeds - if shipping_company is set, use company name as AddressFieldOne
- improved error handling on import - if creating product failed (db insert)
- improved logging: add history record when creating WC order manually
- fixed search on repricing page
- fixed support for multiple images in BookLoader feed template
- fixed wpla_mcf_enabled_order_statuses filter hook not working for automatic FBA submission (only manual)
- fixed possible fatal error when processing FBA inventory report (Call to a member function set_stock_status() on a non-object)
- fixed empty log records being created when checking for reports
- added "Allow direct editing" developer option - hide Edit listing link by default
- added experimental support for reserving / holding back FBA stock (MCF) - if order status is on-hold set FulfillmentAction to 'Hold'
- added wpla_run_scheduled_tasks ajax action hook to trigger only the Amazon cron job (equal to wplister_run_scheduled_tasks)
- fixed gift wrap row being added to WooCommerce orders even if gift wrap option was not selected
- fixed issue where messages on the settings page would be invisible with certain 3rd party plugins installed
- added option to leave email address empty when creating orders in WooCommerce
- added FBA only mode settings option - to force FBA stock levels to be synced to WooCommerce
- added filter hook wpla_mcf_enabled_order_statuses - allow to control which order statuses are allowed for FBA/MCF
- added advanced options to make account settings, category settings and repricing tool available in main menu
- store SKU as order line item meta when creating orders in WooCommerce
- show warning if OpenSSL is older than 0.9.8o
- show gift wrap option on orders page and details view
- fixed creating orders with gift wrap option enabled - add gift wrap as separate shipping row
- fixed tracking details not being sent to Amazon if orders are completed via ShipStation plugin
- fixed fetching full listing description from amazon.es
- fixed imported products not showing on frontend if sort by popularity is enabled (set total_sales meta field)
- fixed stock status for imported variations
- fixed issue where tracking details were not sent to eBay if autocomplete sales option was enabled
- fixed issue where FBA items would not be updated from report if their SKU contains a "&" character
- improved performance when updating products via CSV import (and show more debug data in log file)
- improved error handling on storing report content in db (error: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes)
- improved error handling and logging if set_include_path() is disabled
- escape HTML special chars in invalid SKU warning (force invisible HTML like soft hyphen / shy to become visible)
- relabeled "Inventory Sync" option to "Synchronize sales"
- improved storing taxes in created WooCommerce orders
- fixed order line item product_id and variation_id for created WooCommerce orders containing variations
- skip FBA orders from being auto completed on Amazon / Order Fulfillment Feed
- fixed "The order id ... was not associated with your merchant" error for FBA orders
- repricing tool: restore listing view filters after using min/max price wizard
- added option to filter order to import by marketplace - prevent duplicate orders if the same account is connected to multiple marketplaces
- added feed template / category "Sport & Freizeit" on amazon.de
- added Deutsche Post shipping provider
- fixed missing variation_theme values for some templates like Jewellery and Clothing
- fixed Error 99001: A value is required for the "feed_product_type" field (for parent variations)
- fixed missing bullet points for (parent) variations
- fixed FBA cron job not running more often than 24 hours
- fixed duplicate description on imported products - leave product short description empty
- fixed possible layout issue caused by 3rd party CSS
- fixed empty external_product_id_type column for amazon.in
- send SellerId instead of Merchant in SubmitFeed request header (SDK bug)
- added DPD shipping service on edit order page
- added experimental support for amazon.in
- improved order processing for large numbers of orders
- fixed error: A value is required for the brand_name / item_name field
- added filter option to show listings with no profile assigned
- fixed issue where orders were not imported / synced correctly if ListOrderItems requests are throttled
- fixed issue where some orders were not imported if multiple accounts are used
- fixed possible issue where lowest prices would not be updated from Amazon
- fixed issue where variable items would be imported as simple products
- fixed issue where parent attributes (e.g. brand) were missing for child variations (attribute_brand shortcode)
- parent variations should only have three columns set: item_sku, parent_child, variation_theme
- fixed possible php notice on inventory check (tools page)
- added filter hook wpla_reason_for_not_creating_wc_order - allow other plugins to decide whether an order is created
- fixed issue where activity indicator could show reports in progress when all reports were already processed
- improved multiple offers indicator on repricing page - explain possible up-pricing issues in tooltip
- feed generation: leave external_product_id_type empty if there is no external_product_id (parent variations)
- skip invalid rows when processing inventory report - prevent inserting empty rows in amazon_listings
- don't allow processing an inventory report that has localized column headers
- added filter hook wpla_filter_imported_product_data and wpla_filter_imported_condition_html
- fixed issue where sale dates were sent if sale price was intentionally left blank in listing profile
- fixed inline price editor for large amounts - remove thousands separator from edit price field
- fixed no change option in min/max price wizard
- fixed sale start and end date not being set automatically
- fixed repricing changelog showing integer prices when force decimal comma option was enabled
- added warning note on import page about sale prices not being imported, but being removed when an imported product is updated
- fixed issue where sale start and end date would be set for rows without a price (like parent variations in a listing data feed)
- added warning on listing page if listings linked to missing products are found
- added support for tracking details set by Shipment Tracking and Shipstation plugins (use their tracking number and provider in Order Fulfillment feed)
- if no sale price is set send regular price with sale end date in the past (the only way to remove previously sent sale prices)
- fixed stored number of pending feeds when multiple accounts are checked
- include item condition note in imported product description
- automatically create matched listing for simple products when ASIN is entered manually
- trigger new Price&Quantity feed when updating min/max prices from WooCommerce (tools page)
- updating reports checks pending ReportRequestIds only (make sure that each report is processed using the account it was requested by)
- fixed issue where reports for different marketplaces would return the same results
- fixed shipping date not being sent as UTC when order is manually marked as shipped
- fixed importing books with multiple authors
- added more feed templates for amazon.ca
- added option to filter orders by Amazon account on WooCommerce Orders page
- added prev/next buttons to import preview and fixed select all checkbox on search results
- import book specific attributes - like author, publisher, binding and date published
- extended option to set how often to request FBA Shipment reports to apply to FBA Inventory report as well
- fixed importing item condition and condition note when report contains special characters
- fixed possible error updating min/max prices
- profile editor: do not require external_product_id if assigned account has the brand registry option enabled
- update wp_amazon_listings.account_id when updating / applying listing profile
- fixed issue where FBA enabled products would be marked as out of stock in WooCommerce if FBA stock is zero but still stock left in WC
- fixed rare issue saving report processing options on import page
- added option to import variations as simple products
- fall back to import as simple product if there are no variation attributes on the parent listing (fix importing "variations without attributes")
- fixed issue importing images for very long listing titles
- improved error handling during importing process
- added filter option to hide empty fields in profile editor
- added Industrial & Scientific feed templates for amazon.com
- added support for WooCommerce CSV importer 3.x
- added optional field for item condition and condition note on variation level
- added options to specify how long feeds, reports and order data should be kept in the database
- order details page: enter shipping time as local time instead of UTC
- view report: added search box to filter results / limit view to 1000 rows by default
- regard shipping discount when creating orders in WooCommerce (fix shipping total)
- fixed search box on import preview page - returned no results when searching for exact match ASIN or SKU
- fixed saving variations via AJAX on WooCommerce 2.4 beta
- show warning on edit product page if variations have no SKU set
- improved SKU mismatch warning on listings page in case the WooCommerce SKU is empty
- edit product: trim spaces from ASINs and UPCs automatically
- when duplicating a profile, jump to edit profile page
- shipping feed: make sure carrier-name is not empty if carrier-code is 'Other' (prevent Error 99021)
- edit order page: fixed field for custom service provider name not showing when tracking provider is set to "Other"
- fixed setup warnings not being shown (like missing cURL warning message)
- improved performance of generating import preview page
- fixed possible error code 200 when processing import queue
- added support for custom order statuses on settings page
- added gallery fallback option to use attached images if there is no WooCommerce Product Gallery (fixed issue with WooCommerce Dynamic Gallery plugin)
- added loading indicator on edit profile page
- added missing SDK file MarketplaceWebServiceProducts/Model/ErrorResponse.php
- added button to manually convert custom tables to utf8mb4 on WordPress 4.2+ (fix "Illegal mix of collations" sql error)
- improved Amazon column on Products page - show all listings for each product (but group variation listings)
- make sure the latest changes are submitted - even if a feed is "stuck" as submitted
- optimized memory footprint when processing import queue (fixed loading task list for 20k+ items on 192M RAM)
- improved processing of browse tree guide files - link db records to tpl_id to be able to clean incorrectly imported data automatically
- fixed php warning in ajax request when enabling all images on edit product page
- fixed issue with SWVG and Sports feed templates ok Amazon UK
- added option to request FBA shipment report every 3 hours
- added Clothing feed template for amazon.ca
- fixed possible fatal errors during import process
- added option to set a default product category for products imported from Amazon (advanced settings page)
- added option to automatically create matched listings for all products with ASINs (developer tools page)
- improved profile editor for spanish feed templates
- fixed some CE feed templates not being imported properly (amazon.es)
- fixed possible fatal error during import
- added option to process only selected rows when importing / updating products from merchant report
- added option to enable Brand Registry / UPC exemption for account
- brand registry: create listings for newly added child variations automatically, even if no UPC or ASIN is provided
- fixed issue where items listed on multiple marketplaces using the same account would stay "submitted"
- fixed matching product from edit product page - selected ASIN was removed if products was updated right after matching
- fixed "View in WP-Lister" toolbar link on frontend
- addedtooltips for report processing options on import page
- import process: fixed creating additional (new / missing) variations for existing variable products in WooCommerce
- regard "fall back to seller fulfilled" option when processing FBA inventory reports - skip zero qty rows entirely if fall back is enabled
- added option to search / filter report rows in import preview
- automatically fill in variation attribute columns like size_name and color_name
- show number of offers considered next to lowest offer price in listings table
- changed labeling from "imported" to "queued" - and updated text on import and settings pages
- added developer tool buttons to clean the database - remove orphaned child variations and remove listings where the WooCommerce product has been deleted
- fixed issue where selecting a category for Item Type Keyword column would insert browse node id instead of keyword (profile editor and edit product page)
- make sure the customer state (address) is stored as two letter code in created WooCommerce orders (Amazon apparently returns randomly either one or the other)
- fixed search box on SKU generator page not showing products without listings
- fixed formatting on ListMarketplaceParticipations response (log details)
- fixes issue with attribute_ shortcodes on child variations inserting the same size/color value for all variations
- added option to hide (exclude) specific variations from being listed on Amazon
- added option to set WooCommerce order status for orders marked as shipped on Amazon
- added "Sports & Outdoors" category for Amazon CA
- regard WordPress timezone setting when creating orders
- automatically update variation_theme for affected items when updating a listing profile
- make sure sale_price is not higher than standard_price / price - Amazon might silently ignore price updates otherwise
- fixed issue preparing listings when listing title is longer than 255 characters
- fixed duplicate ASINs being skipped when importing products from merchant report
- don't warn about duplicate ASINs if the SKU is unique
- added action hook wpla_prepare_listing to create new listings from products
- added option to select account when importing by ASIN
- indicate that a report has been processed in the background by a green mark on reports page
- update WooCommerce stock status (in stock / out of stock) when processing FBA report - even when stock level needs no update
- trigger WooCommerce webhook order.created when creating orders
- fixed issue where selecting a category would insert node ID of parent category
- fixed linked amazon site for thumbnail in product matcher
- fixed listings with zero (0) parent_id showing up in all searches
- use HTTP POST to contact update server (fix connection error on pantheon.io)
- ignore unsellable items when processing FBA inventory report
- added option to resubmit failed FBA shipment requests for MCF orders
- process product updates triggered via the WooCommerce REST API
- added option to set how often FBA Shipment reports are requested - to allow faster updating of MCF orders (eBay)
- store tracking details for non-MCF orders as well
- notify WP-Lister for eBay when MCF order was shipped - and submit tracking information to eBay
- improved order marketplace column layout
- improved layout of duplicate check results table
- allow SKUs containing periods (.)
- improved order filter views (on Amazon/not on Amazon)
- make in stock / out of stock listing filter views regard current FBA seller fallback setting
- fixed in stock / out of stock filter (for items where fba_fcid was NULL)
- fixed issue combining listing filter views - use esc_url_raw() instead of esc_url()
- fixed bulk delete option on profiles page
- fixed stock not being updated when using bulk edit
- fixed stock not being updated when using quick edit
- improved displaying errors and warnings on listings page
- fixed log page on WordPress 4.2
- fixed pagination on WordPress 4.2
- max WP version 4.2
- fixed listing profile column on WordPress 4.2
- fixed XSS issue with add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg()
- added search box on profiles page
- fixed variation listing title not being updated when main product title is changed
- fixed browse node selection on edit product page
- fixed profile setting for item condition being ignored in ListingLoader feeds
- improved readability for error 8541 (extract merchant/amazon values from error msg)
- added option to remove all imported products and listings on developer tools page
- check for existing item by SKU instead of ASIN when matching products - to allow 2 SKUs for 1 ASIN with different item condition
- fixed missing Flavor attribute on advanced settings page
- add missing variations automatically only if they have UPC/EAN or ASIN set (when updating products in woo)
- auto submit inventory loader feeds - fix trashed products not being deleted from Amazon automatically
- creating orders: find order line item by SKU instead of ASIN
- improved order history records (show SKU)
- improved variation options layout
- validate shipping date and time entered on edit order page
- expert profile editor mode will show quantity and image fields
- add error 42 to history array instead of replacing it (This SKU does not seem to exist...)
- fixed API hostname for MWS Japan (mws.amazonservices.jp)
- fixed 'Copy FBA quantity to WooCommerce' option in FBA inventory check (tools page)
- fixed missing UTC timezone flag in _wpla_time_shipped when orders are marked as completed
- added lower pricing info expiry times (6-30 min.)
- added option "Uppricing based on" to allow experimental up-pricing based on next competitor price, even if seller has buybox
- improved fetching full product description from amazon
- if fulfillment_center_id is forced to AMAZON_NA in the listing profile, regard this overwrite in ListingLoader feeds as well
- fixed view counts on repricing page
- fixed line count for generated feeds
- added item count and tooltips to FBA filter links
- fixed Non-FBA view not showing simple products
- check pending products if they exist in WooCommerce - and show warning if products are missing
- fixed issues with missing products on repricing page and too many products in the FBA inventory check
- fixed empty FBA Shipment reports
- processing order items / reducing stock: find item by SKU instead of ASIN
- improved log and report view
- added option to import only main product image
- added Home&Garden feed template for amazon.ca
- mark WooCommerce order as completed when processing FBA Shipment Report
- fixed issue importing products when previously imported products have been removed incorrectly (from wp_posts but not from wp_postmeta)
- added button on dev tools page to clear wp_postmeta from stale records
- added button in tools page to find listing items where the linked product in WooCommerce doesn't exist (options: delete or add to import queue)
- allow to combine status view filters - stock and FBA status can be filtered independently from listing/repricing status
- repricing tool: added details link to show all pricing information returned by the Amazon API
- repricing tool: added bulk action to resubmit current price to Amazon
- repricing tool: added link to view all offers on Amazon in Other Sellers column
- repricing tool: make Lowest Price / Not Lowest Price filters regard the "seller has buy box" flag
- repricing tool: Failed filter shows only failed PNQ updates, excluding items where listing status itself is failed
- repricing tool: fixed issue where price would jump between target price and max price (don't ignore seller's own price as lowest offer price if there are more than one offers considered)
- repricing tool: fixed Lowest Price filter when combined with search query
- show buy box price in green if seller has buy box
- implemented proper error handling for FBA / MCF fulfillment feeds - and show errors on order details page
- fixed report status view for in progress
- fixed (hide) SKU mismatch warning on items with status imported
- make sure processing P&Q feed results only updates pnq_status if it's submitted
- process FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report - and store details in order post meta
- update order meta fields for WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin when processing FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report
- show FBA tracking details on edit order page
- allow orders with status on-hold to be fulfilled via FBA
- repricing tool: added link to show Price&Quantity changelog for a specific SKU
- repricing tool: major overhaul of the repricing algorithm - with user feedback when used manually (bulk action)
- fixed issue where price&quantity feeds would not be submitted when there are no other pending feeds (or the feeds page is visited)
- added button to run update schedule on developer tools page
- added image import folder options - create subfolders for imported images
- code refactoring and cleanup
- added Quality listing filter - to quickly find listings with quality alerts
- added column for lowest competitor price - and indicate when seller has BuyBox price (green check mark)
- repricing tool: indicate pending, submitted and failed prices
- repricing tool: added bulk action to apply lowest price to selected items
- apply undercut only to other sellers buy box price - not to lowest offer price
- fetch, store and display information about Buy Box and Lowest Offer prices separately
- fixed fetching multiple pricing results (prices) via the API
- fixed issue where min/max prices would remain in WP-Lister when removed on edit product page
- database upgrade to version 26 - add columns and indices to wp_amazon_listings
- min/max price wizard: remember last used options
- min/max price wizard: allow to update minimum price or maximum price only
- fixed empty price issue when Amazon Price contained invalid or space characters - and trim input to prevent spaces from being stored in the first place
- added option to select whether repricing should be based on Buy Box price only (default) - or fall back to lowest offer
- added button to fix variable stock status on inventory tools page
- fixed imported variations being marked out of stock
- show warning if marketplace ID for account is invalid
- convert custom amazon and min/max prices from decimal comma to decimal point automatically
- make sure price stays within min/max boundaries - prevent errors in Price&Quantity feed
- repricing tool: added button to resubmit all failed prices
- fixed issue where repricing tool would adjust prices without min/max prices
- fixed view totals on repricing page (exclude parent variations)
- fixed issue with apostrophe in listing title
- added option to enable FBA seller-fulfilled fallback (disabled by default)
- request daily FBA fulfilled shipments report - if multichannel fulfillment is enabled
- added developer option to set currency format for Price&Quantity feeds (decimal comma)
- fixed issue where Buy Box prices were not updated properly
- fetch Buy Box price and lowest offers when updating pricing info manually
- fetch Buy Box price: check lowest orders via cron - and send 10 requests (a 20 items) at a time
- repricing tool: increase price to maximum price if there is no lowest price / competitor
- hide parent variations on repricing page
- other fixes and improvements to the repricing tools
- improved warning for deleted products in listings table
- added FBA inventory check for items without FBA stock on tools page
- preserve filter state when clicking "Apply lowest price" button on repricing page
- fixed issue where processing a merchant inventory report with stock update enabled would mark FBA items as out of stock
- fixed issue where min/max prices entered on edit product page for single variations did not show in repricing tool
- fixed repricing tool using max price instead of lowest price
- added In Stock / No Stock filter options on listings and repricing page
- show items with status "online" but zero stock as "sold out" in listings table - and parent variations as "variable"
- added repricing margin / undercut option - set amount to stay below lowest price
- show WooCommerce order status on Orders page - and indicate when an order has been trashed or deleted (show Create Order link then)
- process FBA report: update quantity in WooCommerce if current stock level is less than FBA quantity
- improved fix for error 99006 (fulfillment_latency)
- improved reports page - added status filter and search box
- fixed fallback from FBA to seller fulfilled if no FBA stock available
- added search box on SKU generator page
- set fulfillment center ID when processing FBA reports
- feed generation: always enable FBA mode if there is FBA quantity
- implemented WC_Product_Amazon class to fix refund process for external products
- show warning on listings page when SKU is different in WooCommerce than in WP-Lister
- fixed pending feeds being stuck when SKU is different in WooCommerce than in WP-Lister
- fixed applying min/max prices in bulk based on MSRP
- addedsupport
- added SKU column in Amazon - Orders - Details
- added link to view order in WPLA on WooCommerce order details page
- added button to refresh min/max prices from WC on tools page (required after updating min/max prices from external source - like CSV import)
- fixed creating products in WooCommerce 2.3
- added roles and capabilities on advanced options page
- fixed product import on WooCommerce 2.3
- added advanced option to create custom meta fields for variations
- improved feed generation process - merge feeds for different profiles using the same feed template
- fixed variation options in WooCommerce 2.3
- added filter checkbox to show preferred fields in profile editor
- added FBA setting option to select fulfillment center (AMAZON_NA / AMAZON_EU)
- added option for default shipping provider name (to be used if default shipping provider is set to "Other")
- Multi-Channel Fulfillment: check if destination country matches fulfillment center (only allow MCF within US for AMAZON_NA and within EU for AMAZON_EU)
- improved report processing an ignore cancelled reports
- make sure all four MWS fields are filled in when adding an account
- fixed possible issue downloading feeds and reports as CSV
- added option to submit eligible WooCommerce orders to FBA automatically (beta)
- added FBA default options for delivery sla, order comment and notification email
- fixed "show only required fields" filter in profile editor to show all required fields again (even in Ungrouped, which might not actually be required)
- fixed EAN validation
- fixed fatal error on listings page on WooCommerce 2.3
- added FBA / non-FBA filter on repricing page
- added Shoes feed template for amazon.it
- added SKU generator to admin toolbar
- added option to create custom profile shortcodes from HTML snippets on advances settings page
- added option to request and process a daily inventory report - to sync inventory changes from Amazon to WooCommerce automatically
- allow to use resubmit bulk action on items with status online
- show warning on edit product page if invalid SKUs, EANs or UPCs are used
- show link to inspect feed details when displaying feed processing errors and warnings
- show errors and warning on edit product page for online and failed items only (hide when status is submitted or changed)
- fixed empty feed quantity when stock level is empty in WooCommerce
- added new SKU generator tool
- added API function wpla_register_profile_shortcode() - allow other plugins to create custom profile shortcodes
- show warning when attempting to change the SKU for products already listed on Amazon
- show warning if SKU is longer than 40 characters
- improved feed details page - make image urls clickable
- allow main image to be excluded from Amazon - use first enabled gallery image instead
- added option to select variation theme from list of allowed values in listing profile
- added Flavor to attribute mapping tool
- fixed disabled gallery images for variations
- fixed check for required fields when updating profile (Shoes US)
- fixed View on Amazon link on listings page
- fixed inventory sync status message on settings page
- added option to use parent titles for variations - to not add attribute values to listing title
- fixed duplicate check to allow the same product listed on different accounts
- fixed automatic sale-start-date and sale-end-date in ListingLoader feeds
- fixed fulfillment_latency after recent change
- fixed license deactivation message
- fetch high resolution variation images
- if qty is empty, make sure fulfillment_latency is empty as well (prevent error 99006)
- fixed php warning when updating product with min/max prices but without listing
- fixed php warning when activating license and fixed force update check message
- fixed issue where WP-Lister could get stuck on an empty feed
- fixed an important bug causing duplicate feeds and reports
- added tool to calculate min/max prices based on custom rules
- improved automatic repricing tool - adjust prices downwards and upwards
- fixed "update pricing info" bulk action on repricing tool page
- fixed updating WooCommerce out of stock attribute when processing inventory report
- added support for MSRP price (price field and profile shortcode) - with or without the MSRP extension installed
- added import option to control whether to create all variations in WooCommerce or only the items in your inventory
- added inventory check tool to compare and match FBA stock levels with WooCommerce
- fixed UTF8 characters in listing titles imported from inventory report
- fixed php warnings on feed details page
- added option to send feed details to support
- added view switcher option on listings page to control how to display variable listings
- improved feed details view - show content and results in new tab
- improved report details view - added CSV download button
- prevent duplicate gallery images when importing variations
- general code improvements
- import item condition and note when creating new products in WooCommerce
- added option to update item condition and condition note when processing inventory reports
- added inventory check tool to only compare stock levels but ignore prices
- added option to download feed content and result as CSV file
- improved category settings - added option to remove unused feed templates
- show warning if WooCommerce is outdated (before 2.2.4)
- fixed fatal error on WC2.0 (legacy support)
- added "View item in WP-Lister" toolbar link on single product page
- added profile option to list variable products as separate items on Amazon
- update stock level in WooCommerce when processing FBA reports - if stock level is zero
- do not mark products with stock management disabled as out of stock when sold on Amazon
- fill in missing sale price start and end date automatically
- create new variations automatically if parent listing exist
- improved adding variations to imported products - copy profile and variation theme from parent listing
- improved "Variations on Amazon" info on edit product page
- added Beauty, Health and Food feed template for amazon.de
- added account filter on feeds and reports page (todo: fix pagination)
- added note about profile price adjustments not affecting custom amazon prices
- explain error 8560 (Missing Attributes standard_product_id)
- show warning in feed processing result if localized column headers are enabled for account
- improved tooltips on variation specific options and added placeholder "UPC / EAN" for Product ID
- fixed search box on orders page
- fixed FBA submission of external orders with multiple order line items
- added bulk action to remove listings from Seller Central and WP-Lister
- added support for importing additional product images
- added experimental support for processed inventory reports from amazon.ca - which are missing most columns
- revert stock reduction when order status changes from Pending to Canceled
- improved order history records and track order status changes
- improved import page - show current default account msg for import by ASIN
- improved import preview - show FBA instead of empty quantity
- fixed WooCommerce orders not being created if first order status was pending
- fixed possible php error when importing variable products (which already exist in WooCommerce)
- process pending orders and reduce stock level (todo: monitor status updates)
- don't mark already submitted items as changed when updating the profile
- indicate failed submissions with a red "a" on WooCommerce Products page
- show main categories with site code (US/UK) when selecting browse node IDs
- added editable sale price column in repricing tool
- fixed broken feeds caused by line breaks in custom fields
- fixed missing Amazon Price field for simple products
- improved handling of empty FBA inventory reports
- show FBA submission result on WooCommerce Orders page for non-Amazon orders as well
- ignore seller's own price when fetching lowest price info (allow automatic price increase)
- refactored JobRunner CSS - do not use jQuery UI custom theme for progress bar
- fixed listing pagination when using search box
- improved duplicate listings warning
- implemented proper uninstall option - remove all data when plugin is deleted in WP
- fixed issue preparing new listings when WPLE is installed
- added support for importing variation images
- added support for importing bullet points from Amazon
- fixed duplicate rows in order fulfillment feed when auto complete option was enabled
- added template column filter on edit profile page
- added option to filter orders by account
- show account title on created woocommerce orders
- store and display order currency on Amazon Orders page (for WooCommerce support, install WPML or similar)
- fixed issues with lowest price update for nonexistent items
- fixed issue when importing product titles with more than 255 characters (failed to create image file)
- fixed fetching lowest price when there is only one CompetitivePrice node returned
- added shortcode processing and link handling options on advanced settings page
- convert feeds to ISO-8859-1 by default
- improved listing search (fuzzy SKU, parent post_id)
- remove tab characters from field values when building feeds
- implemented new repricing tool
- added option to run repricer automatically
- added inline ajax price editor in repricing table
- added min_price, max_price and pnq_status columns to listings table and update values when updating product in WooCommerce
- submit Price And Quantity feed to update min/max prices on Amazon (3rd party plugins can set pnq_status to 1 in listings table to trigger an update
- use custom amazon price from parent for child variations - if no custom price on variation level is set
- cleaned up tools page and added toolbar links
- make sure that imported products are always visible
- show warning if WP-Lister for eBay is installed and is less than version 1.6
- fixed deprecated warning in PHP 5.6 (iconv_set_encoding)
- added custom feed columns on product level - overwrite any profile field for any product
- fixed possible php warning when adding account (if listMarketplaceParticipations returns empty result)
- show table of listing items for variable products on edit product page
- automatically create missing listings for variations with ASIN when saving a variable product
- fixed issue with shipping cost in WooCommerce orders (was gross instead of net)
- added option to select images to be used on Amazon on the edit product page
- added custom options when submitting WooCommerce orders to FBA (shipping priority, order comment and notification email)
- added options to hide custom amazon price and min/max price fields on edit product page
- show general errors (which are not specific to any product or order) on feeds page
- added ToysBaby feed template for amazon.de
- added general purpose filter wpla_filter_listing_feed_column
- allow variation attribute columns with _type suffix - in addition to _name suffix
- fixed issue with prepared listings not being submitted automatically (unless visiting the feeds page)
- fixed possible php warning in GetCompetitivePricingForASINResult()
- added support for submitting WooCommerce orders to Amazon to be shipped via FBA (FBA Shipment Fulfillment Feed)
- added option to disable fetching listing quality reports automatically
- automatically convert https image urls to http
- fixed buy box price when there is no price found for "New" condition
- added more available Amazon attributes to attribute mapping tool
- added proper error message when trying to process an inventory report with localized column headers
- fixed some issues processing feed results on amazon.fr (convert to utf8, translate error codes)
- added option to apply lowest amazon price to WooCommerce - as regular price or sale price
- show warning in import preview page when report is missing columns (localized column headers)
- improved inventory check tool
- added support for amazon.fr
- added inventory check tools code from eBay version
- improved category settings layout
- added activity monitor in admin toolbar
- fixed request signature error for ListOrders request
- implemented caching layer for product variations and attributes for improved performance when generating feeds
- building feeds: skip feed if a feed with the same template type has been generated in the same run
- fetch orders from all allowed marketplaces for account by default
- added "Baumarkt" feed template for amazon.de
- fixed "leave empty" shortcode for sale price and other internally handled fields
- added support for processing listing quality feeds
- implemented class autoloader for increased performance
- added option to automatically request and process a daily FBA inventory report
- added button to manually trigger daily schedule on tools page
- prevent listing product drafts when using the magnifier icon on the WooCommerce Products page
- fixed issue with out of stock variations not showing up
- fixed variation price in listings table when no variations are found
- fixed error when PHP iconv extension is not installed
- fixed possible issue loading new reports
- improved shipping and tax information in created WooCommerce orders
- added button to clear import queue
- added Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report (request only)
- indicate FBA orders on orders pages
- reduce FBA quantity when processing FBA orders
- fixed "not on eBay" and "not on Amazon" filters when used in combination on orders page
- set package weight and dimensions when creating imported products in WooCommerce
- added report processing options on import page - select whether to update stock and/or price for existing WooCommerce products
- added custom meta field shortcode to available profile placeholders
- added "no profile" option to profile selector - to remove accidentally applied profile from imported or matched items in bulk
- added option to replace default payment method "Other" with custom label
- show feed template version info on category settings page
- added option to enable thumbnail column
- added FBA filter to listing table
- added VAT support by global options (ported from WPLE)
- fixed calculating VAT for shipping cost
- added support for processing / importing FBA inventory reports
- fixed wrong counts in import preview
- fixed submitting pending feeds
- fixed search for SKU for deleted products - and improved search performance
- fixed UFT8 characters in listing titles imported from report
- regard custom Product ID Type in Listing Loader feeds
- new import workflow - revamped report processing UI
- added Import page and improved the Import by ASIN feature
- added option to select default shipping provider when orders are completed in bulk
- submit pending feeds after processing orders - avoid problems when product was changed and sold within the same update interval)
- fixed missing new order admin emails for orders placed on Amazon
- fixed resubmit bulk action - should only work on failed and submitted items
- fixed bulk actions on listings page
- prevent duplicate (matched) products being created when matching products to ASIN
- prevent submitting the same feed twice
- added advanced option to merge variation attributes
- fixed custom amazon price for variations (if used via shortcode)
- log feed generation performance data to file (in debug mode only)
- addedsupport
- added option to select pricing update expiry time (1-24 hours)
- added option to disable WooCommerce New Account emails
- fetch and use lowest price from amazon when importing foreign listings by ASIN
- fetch missing ASINs for newly created products as scheduled background task automatically
- fixed regular and sale prices and color coding of buy box price in listings table
- fixed possible issues in background pricing update
- addedsupport
- added support for multiple CSV import plugins - mark updated products as changed
- show regular and sale price in listings table - if sale price is set in WooCommerce
- fetch and show lowest price when matching products
- fixed view on amazon links for non-US sites on products and edit product page
- fixed category selector if there are multiple recommended browse node fields in a template
- added lowest price information to database and listings table (Buy Box)
- implemented manual update of pricing info - process up to 20 ASINs at a time
- automatically update pricing info for all online items (up to once per hour)
- added "empty" shortcode to drop down selection in profile editor
- apply wpla_filter_product_price filter to price shown in listing table
- fixed "view" links on product matcher for non-US amazon sites
- added ListingLoader to the available feed templates (beta)
- added min / max price fields on edit product page
- added empty shortcode for listing profiles
- combined notification messages for changed, prepared and matched items
- improved behavior of listing filters and search box - remember filters when editing profile and searching
- re-enabled daily update check and notification
- fixed broken quick edit on products page
- added support for amazon.es
- added custom amazon price field for single variations
- added filter hooks wpla_filter_product_price and wpla_filter_sale_price
- improved feed details - made SKUs clickable and hide empty columns by default
- improved feed generation - combine changed, matched and prepared items in the same feed
- ignore duplicate errors and warnings when processing feed results
- use featured image of parent product if a single variation has no featured image
- round product_weight to 2 decimals
- added option to map WooCommerce variation attributes to standard Amazon attributes (Size / Color)
- added option to choose whether to include or skip the first gallery image (was "skip" by default)
- added advanced settings page and reordered options and tabs
- added option to filter listings by profile
- improved feed details view - added button to hide empty columns
- added option to re-enable the imported products notice when dismissed
- fixed variations with null values as variation attributes (sizes likes "0" and "000")
- added support for importing existing variations - and match them to individual WooCommerce variations by SKU
- fixed importing variable listings with only a single variation
- improved error handling when creating imported products
- added filter wpla_product_main_image_url
- fixed creating variations in WooCommerce 2.2
- added option to limit maximum feed size
- added option to set feed encoding to ISO-8859-1
- create ListingLoader feed instead of Price & Quantity feed for changed items (fix sale price and condition data not being updated)
- added filter wpla_product_gallery_attachment_ids
- fixed drop down selections in profile for enumerated fields like target_audience_keywords1..3
- fixed issue when preparing a huge number of new listings at once
- minor UI improvements (category settings and adding new profiles)
- added filter wpla_available_shipping_providers to modify shipping services on order details page
- fixed custom listing titles for variable products
- fixed issue with variations using non-english attributes
- show warning when sale start or end date are missing on variations
- check for missing details not only on prepared items but on changed items as well
- fixed issue with missing condition-type in Offer feeds (ListingLoader)
- fixed php warning when search query returned no results
- fixed updating orders for the last n days
- fixed electronics browse tree guide for amazon.it
- improved tooltips on edit profile page
- improved log table - added filter options and display additional parameters
- fixed profile item condition
- log invalid variations to file instead of breaking the import process
- fixed variation theme for amazon.it
- translate common german attributes when generating feed (Size and Color)
- fixed fatal error on listings table when WP-Lister for eBay is not installed
- fixed orders containing multiple items
- fixed tooltip display issue on Firefox
- improved product matcher result when no matching product are found
- added support for variations when importing products from Amazon
- added support for matching single variations to existing Amazon products
- added ASIN field for each variation on edit product page
- added "On Amazon" and "Not on Amazon" product filters
- hide missing fields warning when adding new product
- indicate deleted products in listings table
- fixed browse tree guides for UK and US
- improved error handling and logging
- added support for amazon.ca
- added lighting category for amazon.de
- added support for product level item condition type and notes
- added action links to enable and disable account
- fixed error handling when updating order details from amazon
- fixed inventory sync when variations are purchased in WooCommerce
- fixed missing product details warning on other post types
- fixed missing product details warning for variable products
- enable missing details warning by default
- added bulk action to change profile for existing listings
- improved amazon column on products page - prevent matching if product already exists
- use new updater by default
- prevent duplicates when preparing new listings by selecting a profile
- show warning about missing product details on top of the edit product page
- show submission result as icons (ok/error) on WooCommerce orders page
- fixed ship-date timezone when using default time (current UTC time)
- fixed a rare issue that could lead to duplicate feeds being generated
- improved logging for orders from WooCommerce
- added button to resubmit all failed items
- round all prices to 2 decimals when creating feeds
- fixed product_sku shortcode
- fixed issue on PHP 5.2 (str_getcsv)
- fixed variation-theme - use SizeColor instead of Color-Size
- show warning if PHP is outdated
- set update interal to 5 min by default on new installations
- added BookLoader feed template for Amazon US and UK
- added check for sale start and end date when sale price is set
- added filters wpla_shipping_service_id_map and wpla_shipping_service_title_map to convert Amazon shipping methods to WooCommerce
- merged order type column for eBay and Amazon
- fixed problem with shipping address on amazon.de
- added option to enable product details validation / check for missing fields when editing a product
- limit product_description to 2000 characters
- fixed sale_price issue
- added price modifier options to profile details
- added option to update price and quantity for existing WooCommerce products when processing reports
- added option to create WordPress user accounts for customers
- improved scheduled tasks notifications
- improved handling of profiles with and without feed templates
- added support for sale price start and end date
- added admin toolbar options to view the current product on amazon or prepare a new listing
- added admin toolbar option to match products on amazon - and improved matching process
- added cronblast.com as an alternative to easycron.com
- added proper error handling when matching products and the default account is invalid or missing
- improved profile editor - replace BTG values instead of appending them
- fix php warning "Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument" in encodeObject()
- made more strings translatable
- added localization support
- added proper setup instructions for external cron jobs
- show when cron schedule was last run in settings and orders page
- fixed word wrap in task window
- fixed update notification message
- added bulk action to resubmit failed items
- added support for clothing feeds on amazon.de
- added option to bulk import products by ASIN
- improved support for variable products
- added basic support for listing variable products
- added search box and status filter views on orders page
- show errors from last feed submission on edit product page
- show warning if sky, qty or price are missing when adding or updating products
- check prepared products and show warning if SKU, price or qty are empty
- improved profile editor for amazon.de and amazon.it
- improved marking orders as shipped and added shipping time field defaulting to current UTC time
- implemented file lock to prevent simultaneous update processes (race condition)
- skip updating order feed when shipment date is empty
- use regular price instead of sale price by default
- limit length of custom product option fields
- fixed "Invalid callback" issue when using Amazon SDK classes on wpengine servers
- added option to select which product property should be used for matching on Amazon
- added support for external cron jobs
- added support for WP-Lister reseller add-on
- added option to provide shipping carrier name on order details page
- added option to select query string when matching products
- fixed some more php 5.4 strict messages
- added proper message when no profiles were found
- improved handling API errors and empty results
- only enqueue JobRunner.js on WPLA pages
- fixed issues with special characters in image filenames and product description
- fixed fatal error on WooCommerce 2.0 when sale price was used
- fixed possible error when WP-Lister for eBay is not installed
- fixed saving custom product description
- fixed various php 5.4 strict messages
- added check for duplicate listings by ASIN, SKU and product
- added custom amazon description on edit product page
- improved profile editor and check all required fields
- improved error handling for order fulfillment feeds
- fixed deleting profiles and added safety check whether profile is in use
- fixed duplicating profiles
- fix default 7am time for ship-date
- added edit listing option
- fixed issue with negative quantities when backorders are enabled
- fixed issue matching product when product title has extra whitespace
- fixed issue with bullet point 5
- added selected categories for amazon.de and amazon.it
- remove amazon specific meta data from duplicated products
- fixed issue with wrong order total when multiple units are purchased
- fixed WooCommerce order status issue - new orders were created as pending by default
- replaced all remaining mysql functions with calls to wpdb methods
- convert URLs to links in error messages
- improved order details view
- submit order fulfillment feeds automatically
- improved order processing - skip pending orders and don't create cancelled orders in WooCommerce
- implemented option to automatically mark completed orders as shipped
- implemented bulk action to update selected orders from Amazon
- improved orders page - show create order link if order has been deleted
- improved feed search box
- improved order processing - only fetch orders updated since the last update
- improved order processing and implemented history records
- improved order import and added option to select time frame
- added tooltips on settings page
- added options to disable order notification emails (enabled by default)
- added option to edit ASIN on edit product page (use with care)
- added amazon column and filter views to WooCommerce orders page
- added order metabox to submit shipping status
- implemented order fulfillment feed
- implemented listing loader feed to upload matched products
- fixed pending (matched) listings being marked as changed when product is updated
- fixed issue with (pending) orders missing customer details
- updated help page
- added keyword fields on edit product page
- added weight and dimension shortcodes and set them by default for new profiles
- added option to select product attribute for template fields with allowed values
- added support for additional product images in listing data feed
- added option to define allowed HTML tags in product description
- added search box to product matcher window
- check cron schedule and reset if required
- fixed UTF-8 characters in product description
- added fields for bullet points on edit product page
- log to database when wplister_inventory_status_changed event is triggered
- fixed fatal error when trying to import products
- fixed price and quantity update feed
- various improvements on listing and updating new products
- added option to dismiss imported products notice
- added option to cancel submitted feeds
- countless fixes and improvements - don't use any older version
- added feed templates and categories for amazon.com and amazon.co.uk
- implemented category settings to select which feed templates and browse tree guides to load
- various smaller improvements
- updated help page
- added category selection in profile (Item Type)
- added warning if product has no SKU
- improved profiles - removed SKU and added default options for title and price
- fixed issue with bulk actions on products page
- fixed buyer name in created woocommerce orders (untested)
- added listing profiles with feed template data editor
- added profile option to select shortcodes and attributes
- added prepare new products feature
- added option to check feeds before submitting
- parse feed template files (template, data definitions, valid values) and browse tree guides
- added feed template files for Consumer Electronics and Jewelry
- added browse tree guides for Electronics and Jewelry
- added option to deactivate accounts
- fixed issue processing reports
- added tutorial / help page
- check for existing products by SKU when importing
- fixed product import when WP-Lister for eBay was not installed
- support for WP-Lister Pro (sync inventory between eBay and Amazon)
- first public beta with product import, inventory sync and order creation