Publishing to ebay, merge multi value item in a single item

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Publishing to ebay, merge multi value item in a single item

When you publish or verify a product to eBay, sometimes i get error if an item contain multiple values, but ebay need only 1 value. But the problem is that sometimes i need multiple value. For example, if a book is wrote by 2 authors, i need to have 2 value, 1 for each author, so in the site i can search them separately. The best thing would be to merge the multi-value with a single value delimited by a delimiter (as "," or ";" or a delimiter that i can specify in the advanced page option). Many Thanks
Category: WP-Lister for eBay GIORGIO PESCHIER shared this idea

1 Comment

  1. sales100001

    Similar issue was fixed if i recall, wp lister developer can message me for more info if it helps.

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