Feature Requests

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3 votes

Handling Time for Amazon in Profiles

If one has many Amazon profiles it's time consuming to edit/change handling times for all products. Maybe add a General option for that or per product so it can be edited in a product bulk editor

Category: WP-Lister for Amazon 0 comments
2 votes

Amazon - Check for missing orders

Sometimes orders are not downloaded from Amazon for whatever reason. The next sync doesn’t always grab those I suspect due to it downloading the next based on a time range. It would be handy to have a button to simply compare the orders on Seller Central not yet shipped, with those not yet complete in […]

Under Review Category: WP-Lister for Amazon 0 comments
2 votes

Allow user to 'show / hide' Amazon fields

Under the Amazon Field Attributes panel – although there are already options to show only 'required fields' and 'hide empty fields', it would also be really useful to have the option for the user to custom 'show / hide' fields (I know this sounds like we can do this already with the 'preferred' checkbox, but […]

Category: WP-Lister for Amazon 0 comments
2 votes

Importing of Amazon Categories with Listings

I would like to see the importing of Amazon categories with Amazon listings and have them added to Woocommerce categories and assigned to products. This is a pretty big thing to be missing from WP-Lister in my estimation. Please vote up this request. =D

Under Review Category: WP-Lister for Amazon 1 comment
2 votes

Amazon Pricing optimizing (maybe a third option)

There are 2 Option, the amazon pricer is working. – Buybox Pricing ("hold" the buybox price, even by lower prices and uses buybox price as benchmark) – Buybox and Lowest Offer (do NOT hold the buybox price, even by lower prices, BUT uses the LOWEST price as benchmakr) We have the request, to "combine" this […]

Category: WP-Lister for Amazon 1 comment